Set Up Gmail: If you are running Windows 10, you may be glad to know that there is now an easy and elegant way to view your emails, contacts and calendar on Google using built-in apps for stores instead of using Outlook.

Outlook is a great corporate email client, but I’m not a huge fan of it for my personal email. However, before Windows 10, I had no option but to use Outlook or save a single open tab in Chrome for my email.
The new Mail, Calendar, and People apps can be synced with Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts, respectively.
The best part about me though is that the apps look really slick and I actually like to use them. In this article, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily sync your Google Account with Windows 10.
Set up Gmail in Windows 10 Mail App
To get started, let’s first set up the Mail app. The great thing about the three applications in Windows 10 is that they are integrated.
Once you add your Google Account to one app, it will automatically be added to the other two apps as well.
In addition, each application has links to other applications in the sidebar, so it is extremely easy to switch between applications.
To open the Mail app, just click Start and enter Mail. The best result should beMail – a reliable application for Microsoft.
The Mail application is divided into three sections: to the left is the sidebar, where you will see your list of email accounts and folders, a short description of all the emails in that folder will appear in the middle, and the right pane of the full individual email will appear.
Clickaccountsin the left bar, then clickAdd accountin the right pane that appears. A window will appear in which you can select your email provider.
You can add an account, Exchange account, Yahoo email, iCloud email, or other POP or IMAP enabled email account. In our case, we’ll chooseGoogle, Go Forward, and enter your Google credentials and clickAllowsWindows to access your emails, calendars, and contacts.
If all goes well, you should get a successful message indicating that the account has been added to Windows.
All emails from your Gmail inbox should now appear in the Mail app. You’ll notice that by default, the Mail app only shows you anInbox,and that’s it.
By default, the Mail app only downloads emails from the last 3 months. If you want to change this, you must enter the settings. If the left sidebar is no longer widened, you can expand it by clicking the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner. Then click the gear icon at the bottom right of the sidebar.
A panel will appear at the far right of the screen where you can adjust various settings for the Mail application. At the top, you want to clickManage Accounts.
Then click the email account you want to adjust the settings for. In our case, it’s for the Gmail account.
Click on it and a dialog will appear where you can change the name of the email account, delete it, or change the mailbox sync settings.
Clicking this option will load the Gmail sync settings dialog. Here you can choose when to download new emails and whether to download the entire message and images on the Internet.
Below, you can change how often you synchronize your contacts and calendars and how far you want to download the email. The only other option for the last 3 months isAnytime, which will download all emails regardless of the date.
Lastly, you can exclude emails, calendar or contacts individually if you wish. It is worth noting that you can adjust these settings in the same way in the Calendar and Contacts applications.
Sync Google with calendar and people apps
Once you’ve installed the Mail app in Windows 10, just open the Calendar and People apps to see your calendars and contacts on Google.
By default, all calendars should be checked, but you can expand Gmail and manually select or deselect the calendars you want to see. Now open the People app and you will see that it looks a lot like the other two apps. Microsoft does a good job of making them all look and feel.
That’s all there is to syncing our emails, contacts and calendar with Windows 10. It’s been a pleasant experience so far, and we hope Microsoft continues to update apps to improve them. Enjoy!