How to Automatically Summarize From YouTube Videos

In this era, learning materials can easily be found on various online learning sites or applications and on YouTube videos.

How to Automatically Summarize from YouTube Videos

How to Automatically Summarize from YouTube Videos

Of course you will be able to easily summarize the writing you get from a website, but what if you summarize it from a video on YouTube?

Actually, you can summarize it manually by writing down every sound that comes out of the YouTube video. However, there is an easier way to summarize YouTube videos into text.

Below we have prepared 2 ways to summarize from YouTube automatically using the Anthiago website and Google Docs.

How to Summarize YouTube Videos with Web Anthiago

Anthiago Free Automatic Transcript is a site that can be used to summarize YouTube videos. A summary of the YouTube video will then appear in text form.

So that way you don’t need to bother summarizing YouTube videos manually by writing or typing every sound that comes out of the video.

Wondering how to automatically summarize text from YouTube videos? Please see the following steps.

  1. Open and copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to summarize.
  2. Open the browser on your device, then visit the site.
  3. Click Indonesian or English in the Desgrabador column .
  4. Paste the YouTube video link in the column provided.
  5. Click the Transcribe button and wait until the process is complete.

After the process of summarizing the YouTube video is complete, you will get the results in the form of text below the transcript column and button.

Next, you can copy the text and edit it using a word processing application such as Microsoft Office Word.

How to Automatically Summarize Videos with Google Docs

Apart from using the Anthiago site, you can also summarize videos from YouTube via Google Docs. Here’s how to summarize video material from YouTube into text:

  1. Open Control Panel, then select Hardware and Sound.
  2. Select Sound, then go to the Recording tab.
  3. Right-click on the Stereo Mix option, then select the Enable option.
  4. Select the Stereo Mix option and click the Set as default devices button.
  5. Open a browser then create a new document in Google Docs.
  6. Click the Tools menu and select Voice Typing.
  7. Open and play the YouTube video you want to summarize.
  8. Go back to the Google Docs document, activate Google Voice and select the language according to the language of the YouTube video.

Above are 2 ways to summarize YouTube videos into text that you can do. Don’t forget to check and edit the text you have received, because usually the wording is still a little ambiguous.

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