Google has just released the stable and official Android 11 update. This was after announcing its development back in February 2023, before launching a beta version in June. For the meantime, the stable and official update is already available for owners with devices supported by Google Pixel.
Why We Should be Excited About Android 11
The update is expected to be rolled out soon on smartphones from other manufacturers within the next few weeks. While it has a similar look and feels like the Android 10, the new update is packed with a ton of features to be excited about. Here are the main features that make this the best update yet.
a) Enhanced Security and Privacy
Android 11 gives users more control over their security and privacy. It does this through the one-time permission feature. In Android 10, users only had the options of giving an application permission when using it or giving it no permission at all.
With Android 11, users have the option of giving an app permission only for a specific session. This means that when you close the app, the permission will be revoked. This will give users more control and prevent apps from collecting data without their permission.
b) Dark Theme scheduling
The new update allows users to schedule when to activate the dark theme. In the previous version, the only options were either turning it on or off. However, with this version, you can choose to activate the dark theme during the day and deactivate it during the night.
c) App suggestions
The new app suggestion feature gives permission to Google AI smart controls in your phone to predict which apps you will be using throughout the day. It does this by swapping and rearranging apps in and out of your dock at different times of the day. The main aim of this feature is to make sure that when you need to use an app, it is already there.
d) Built-in screen recording
This feature allows users to record what is on their screens. It is now possible to narrate what you are doing on your screen. This is great for making tutorials or showing others how you do something. For example, when gaming at legit casinos reviewed at sites like, you can teach your friends how to play certain games.
e) New Conversations Tab
In the previous version, swiping your screen down brought down the notification bar. In this new version, swiping your screen down splits it into two sections, your notifications and your conversations. The conversations are you chats from apps such as Messenger or WhatsApp among others.
This makes it easy to find and reply to chats you care about. The new update now allows conversations to appear as “bubbles.” These are floating icons that are similar to Facebook’s messenger and appear above other apps.
f) Fancy music controls
The new playback on Android 11 now appears as a small box, rather than a pending notification in the previous version. It now allows users to go back, skip, play, pause or switch a device. The new media controls are available immediately you start playing music.