Best Telegram bot for learning? Schoolwork or college? Download music/videos? Confide? Looking for a soulmate? Everything is possible with Telegram Bot! Do not believe? Really! You can do many things with just a Telegram account.

Here, the good-natured and not arrogant conspiracy admin will share a collection of the best Telegram bots that will be very useful when you are holding your android.
Because this article will be long, so we don’t need to linger and let’s go directly to the collection of the best telegram bots that are very useful for you to know.
15 Best And Useful Telegram Bots For You
If you have never used a Telegram bot, then all you have to do is click start while clicking the bot link that I have linked below. Later the start button will be at the bottom of the Telegram bot conversation column that looks like this.
1. E-Book and Journal Reference Bot
This bot will be very useful for those of you who are in need of references from E-Books or journals for your college assignments.
A Telegram bot with the name NesusSci Search can help to overcome the difficulties you are experiencing. This bot will be very helpful for boarding children who are still on a low budget, one of which is like me.
2. Free E-Books
Buying an E-Book with mediocre pocket money will definitely hinder you from doing certain tasks. Although not part of a bot, this Telegram channel is the best because you can use it to download free E-Books.
This Ebook Id channel can help you get a variety of free E-Books and will certainly greatly ease the burden on you who are students or students.
3. Bot Convert Various File Types to Pdf
Don’t have a PC/Computer/Laptop but need to convert various file formats to pdf format ASAP? Take it easy! You can use the Telegram Office to PDF bot which will instantly convert any file you send into a pdf in an instant with just an android.
4. Bot Convert Photos/Images to PDF
This bot is no less important for your campus life, you know! Especially if your lecturer tells you to immediately collect the assignments that you have handwritten into PDF form.
You may find it very complicated, but this problem will soon be solved with the best Telegram BOT Photo to PDF Converter.
5. Bot Convert PDF to Image
If the previous bot was a bot that converts photos/images to PDF, then this bot is the opposite of that bot. PDF to Image bot can instantly convert your pdf files into image formats. Very helpful isn’t it?
6. Bot Download Videos from Youtube
If previously the admin shared about bots to convert videos on Youtube into Audio, then this time the admin will provide bots so you can download a video from Youtube. Utube Bot is a Telegram bot that is very useful for downloading videos from Youtube to your Android / PC.
7. Bots Learn English
This best Telegram bot is also very helpful so you don’t have to bother carrying your English dictionary everywhere. Word Bot can instantly translate any word you need and is guaranteed not to take long.
8. Bot Translate Any Language
This bot is quite helpful if you have friends from various countries and also various languages because this bot can translate many languages.
Bot Language Translator will really help you to more easily communicate with your friends in various parts of the world.
9. Bot Writing Notes
This Writing Bot may be the biggest enemy for teachers and lecturers who give writing assignments in notebooks. Why? Because this bot can write whatever you type into a notebook and use handwriting too.
10. Download audio from Youtube videos
YT Audio Bot is a bot that you can use as a medium to convert YouTube videos into audio and you can easily download them right away.
Of course, downloading using the Telegram Bot on this one can be easier and prevent you from the hassle of ads on song download sites and prevent you from downloading viruses to your android.
Another bot that you can use to download audio from Youtube videos isVK Music Bot. Actually there are many more, but I will only give you 2!
11. An encouraging bot and able to vent
If you are feeling insecure, anxious, need encouragement or support, then I can recommend 3 bots that will really help you.
This bot will be able to lighten the burden on your heart and can give you words that will immediately build confidence and increase the happiness in your heart.
12. Adhan Time Reminder
Do you hold your Android phone more often in the palm of your hand, but are lazy to download additional applications as a reminder of the time to call to prayer?
Don’t worry, you can make the best Telegram bot Azan Id a reminder of the time to call to prayer on your cellphone. So later this bot will send a notification to your cellphone when the time for the call to prayer has arrived.
13. Song Lyrics Bot
Need song lyrics or are you looking for a song just through a piece of the lyrics you know? Or do you only know the singer and forget the title of the song? Take it easy! You can use the Telegram Inline Lyrics Bot to search for various lyrics of the song you want to memorize.
14. Bot To Track Packages
Track Shipments Bot is a bot that you can use to track your packages without having to visit sites on the internet. You only need to provide your receipt number, and this Bot will immediately track the whereabouts of your package shipments.
15. Guessing with this Bot Yuuuk
Are you feeling stuck? Want to play guessing games but have no friends to invite? You can play guessing games using this best Telegram bot. One of the Telegram bots that you can use is the Guessing bot and all you need to do is click “Start”.
Bonus Bot To Find Matches
I also don’t know myself, since when did the Anonymous Chat bot become a bot that people use to find a mate. Maybe because this bot allows us to chat with random people and also anonymously, so people use this bot as a place to find a mate. Hmmm… I don’t really recommend this method!
Well… That’s all a collection of the best Telegram bots that I can share with fellow readers, hopefully it will be useful for all of you and don’t forget to visit other useful articles on the compilation web!