As Facebook users, of course we are used to editing posts that we will share. In fact, we can edit the post many times until the results are in accordance with what we want to display.
Sometimes, for some reason, we also re-edit the posts that we have shared before or change their privacy so that not everyone can see the posts.

How to Change Post Date on Facebook
Well, in addition to changing the post content and post privacy, we can also change the Facebook post date through the “Edit Date” feature.
Through this feature, you can change the posting date so that posts that were actually posted today will appear as if they were posted days, months or years ago.
The feature to change the post date itself may not be a feature that is quite important when compared to the feature to edit the post content or change the privacy of the post. This feature may also not be a frequently used feature.
Even so, there are people who like to use this feature. So there is nothing wrong if we discuss about it here.
For those of you who want to change the posting date, you need to know that the posting date cannot be advanced. So you can only rewind the post date to a few hours, days to several years ago.
Also, you can’t do it on the Facebook or FB Lite apps. This is because the feature to change the posting date on Facebook is only available for the desktop version of Facebook.
However, if you still want to change the date of a post that you share on Facebook via a smartphone, you can still do so by activating the “Desktop site” feature in your browser.
Here I use the Chrome browser, so you don’t hesitate, make sure you follow the process on Chrome too.
The method I discussed below can be done on both a PC and a smartphone. But for PC or Laptop users, you can immediately start from the third step.
- Open Google Chrome.
- Tap the three-dot icon at the top right. After that select “Desktop Site”.
- Go to in Google Chrome. (Look in the search bar, make sure what you are visiting is “”, not “”).
- After that, please log in to Facebook as usual if you are not logged in.
- On the homepage, tap on the profile photo located next to the status creation field.
- Find the post whose post date you want to change. After that, tap the three-dot icon at the top right of the post.
- Select the “Edit Date” menu.
- In the “Edit Date” menu, tap the “Date” column.
- Next, there are two ways to change the date. You can directly type the date you want in the date column. Or you can search for it by tapping the triangle icon to the left or right of the month name in the calendar that appears. Then, tap the date you want.
- If you also want to change the hours and minutes of posts, you can tap the “Time” column. Then continue by tapping on the hour you want.
- If you have, tap “Done”.
- Done. After doing the steps above, the posting date should have changed. If not, try refreshing or reloading the page.
That’s how to change the date of a post you’ve shared on Facebook. You can do the above method for both text, image and video posts. You can also edit the dates for other people’s posts that you share on your Timeline.
So what about new posts? Unfortunately there is no feature to change the date of the new post that you will make.
But if you want to change the date of the post that will be shared so that the post looks like it was made some time ago, then you can post the post with the “Only me” privacy setting. That way, no one can see the post. Next, change the posting date in the way I discussed above.
At this point, the post will immediately move to the time and date you have specified. So you can immediately change the privacy of the post from “only me” to “Friends” or “Public”.
That’s it for this article on how to change the date of posting on Facebook. See you in the next article.