Before releasing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Rockstar Games launchedGrand Theft Auto: Vice Cityor also known as GTA Vice City.Yep, two years before its successor appeared in 2004, GTA Vice City has caught the attention of many people.
The gameplayand concept of GTA Vice City have received a lot of praise from the public. However, of course, thisgameis also not free from a lot of criticism. GTA Vice City was criticized for being racist and displaying violence.
Even so, this onegamewas still named one ofthebestgamesin its heyday. Even though thisgameis not a new series of GTAgamesuntil now there are still many people who play GTA Vice City.
And in this discussion, we will share information about the list of GTA Vice Citycheatcodes on PC as well as PS2, PS3 and PS4. Here’s the review.
How to activate the GTA Vice City cheat on PS2, PS3 and PS4
Before sharing the GTA Vice Citycheatcodeliston PS2, PS3 and PS4, we will inform you about the activation procedure for the GTA Vice Citycheatfirst. Here are the steps.
1. Save Your Game
Yep, before you use anycheatcode in GTA Vice City with the PS2, PS3 and PS4 consoles, always try to save the last game you played.
Why? Because in some of the newest consoles, thisgameallows us to get trophies. Well, let me trofinya not lost since you upgrade enablecheat, pleasesavefirstgameyou last played.
2. Enter the Cheat code you wish to use
After you have saved the lastchapterorgameplayed, please enter thecheatcode you want. You can immediately activate thecheatcode without stopping the game.
Yes, you can enter thecheatcode immediately while the game is in progress. Now, if you successfully enter the cheat code, there will be a notification that thecheathas been activated in the game. How, how easy is it, right?
Cheats for GTA Vice City PS2, PS3 and PS4
So, earlier we have provided information about the procedure for activating the GTA Vice Citycheaton PS2, PS3 and PS4. Now it’s time for us to discuss the list of GTA Vice Citycheatcodes on these consoles. Here is the list.
1. Cheat Health and Armor and Suicide
In every GTA game, the characters we play in thisgamecertainly have a ‘life’. When involved in a fight, for example, the ‘life’ (or sometimes blood) of the characters we play can be reduced.
And that also applies to the main character from GTA Vice City, Tommy Vercetti. So, if you don’t want Tommy to lose a lot of blood, please use the followingcheat code:
Full health/bloodcheat: Press R1, R2, L1, round, left, down, right, up, left, down right and up
Thischeatcan make Tommy’s blood or life return tofullas before. Well, besides this bloodcheat, there is also acheatcode forarmorfrom Tommy Vercetti. Here’s the code:
Full armor cheat: Press R1, R2, L1, X, left, down, right, up, left, down, right and up
If you are being chased by the police, or in a precarious situation, then decide to end the ‘life’ character you are playing instantly, you can use thischeatcode :
Suicide cheat: Press Right, L2, Down, R1, left, left, R1, L1, L2 and L1
2. Weapon Cheat
On the way, your character definitely needs a set of weapons and bullets, right? But of course, getting a cool and moreadvancedweapon is not as easy as turning your palm. Even so, you can still rely oncheatcodes to help unlock several weapons, complete with bullets. Here is a list of GTA Vice City weaponcheat codes:
- Level 1 Weapon Set: Press R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, right and up
- Level 2 Weapon Set: Press R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, down and left
- Level 3 Weapon Set: Press R1, R2, L1, L2, left, down, right, up, left, down, down and down
Besides being able to use the weapons above, inthisGTAgameyou can also blow up cars that are near you by using thischeatcode :
- Proximity Explosion: Press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, triangle, round, triangle, L2 and L1
3. Character Cheats
In thisgame, you can also change the main character to several other characters, you know. Here’s a list ofcheatcodes that you can use:
- Phil Cassidy: Press Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, right and round
- Mercedes: Press R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, right, up, round and triangle
- Dick: Press R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R1, Left, X, Square and L1
- Sonny Forelli: Press round, L1, round, L2, Left, X, R1, X and X
- Candy Suxxx: Press round, R2, Down, R1, left, right, R1, L1, X and L2
- Lance Vance: Press Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X and L1
4. Car Cheat
Apart from weapons, characters and blood, there are several carcheatsfor GTA Vice City that you can use. Here’s a list of the cheat codes:
- Transparent car: Press triangle, L1, triangle, R2, square, L1 and L1
- Flying car: Press triangle, round, triangle, up, left, down, down, down and down
- Amphibious car: Press right, R2, round, R1, L2, square, R1 and R2
- Steel tanks: Press round, round, L1, round, round, round, L1, L2, R1, triangle, round and triangle
- Limousine Car: Press R2, up, L2 left, left, R1, L1, round and right
- Make all cars black: Press round, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, left and round
- Make all cars pink: Press round, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, right and X
5. Other Cheats
Not only thecheatsthat we discussed above, there are several othercheatcodes that can be activated in the console-only game GTA Vice City. Here’s the list:
- Raisewanted level: Press R1, R1, round, R2, left, right, left, right, left and right
- Lowerwanted level: Press R1, R1, round, R2, up, down, up, down, up, down, up and down
GTA Vice City PC cheat
After speaking aboutthe cheatGTA Vice City PS2, PS3 and PS4, we will share the codecheatfor thegamehis PC. Oh yes, thischeatcode can be activated while the game is in progress.
1. Weapon CheatNot only on consoles, but you can also use weaponcheatsin the PC version of GTA Vice City. Here’s a list of the cheat codes:
- Weapon Set 1: Type the code THUGSTOOLS
- Weapon Set 2: Type the code PROFESSIONALTOOLS
- Weapon Set 3: Type the code NUTTERTOOLS
2. Cheat Cars, Tanks and Planes
Cheatcodesfor cars, steeltanksand planes are also in GTA Vice City for PC. Here is a list ofcheatsthat you can use:
- Steel tank: Type the PANZER code
- Turbosaber: Type the code GETTHEREFAST
- Transparent car: Type the code WHEELSAREALLINEED
- Amphibious car: Type the code SEAWAYS
- Hunter: Type the code AMERICAHELIOPTER
- Airplane: Type the code FLYINGWAYS
3. Cheat Armor, Health and Suicide
Cheatsfor blood or life, armor andsuicidecheatsalso apply to the PC version of thegame. Here is a list of thecheatcodes :
- Full health:Type the ASPIRIN code
- Full armor: Type the PRECIOUSPROTECTION code
- Suicide: Type the code ICANTTAKEITANYMORE
4. Character Cheats
Well, here are some GTA Vice City charactercheatsfor the PC version of thegamethat you can use:
- Phil: Type the code ONEARMEDBANDIT
- Ricardo: Type the code CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED
- Jezz: Type in the ROCKANDROLLMAN code
- Hilary: Type the code ILOOKLIKEHILARY
- Ken: Type the code MYSONISLAWYER
5. Other Cheats
Apart from some of thecheatcodes that we discussed earlier, there are many othercheatsthat can be activated in the PC version of the GTA Vice Citygame. Here’s the list:
- Detonate all nearby vehicles: Type the BIGBANG code
- Green light for vehicles: Type the code GREENLIGHT
- Raise wanted level: Type the code YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE
- Lowering wanted level: Type the code LEAVEMEALONE
- Purchase all properties: Type the code FULLCITYPEOPLEMINES
This is the list of Cheat Codes for GTA Vice City PC, PS2, PS3 and PS4. If you have any issue, comment us in the comment box.