The Latest Config Mobile Legends Drone View 2021, Config game is a settings file that has been modified in such a way as to change the appearance of the game or game features to be extraordinary that previously did not exist from official settings in a game into existence.

How to Config Drone View Settings for Latest Mobile Legends 2021
Mobile Legends is anonlineMOBA (Multi-Player Online Battle Arena) wargame. In Mobile Legends, there are 5 teams in the game and their mission is to destroy the enemy tower (turret ).
Several types of types and characters in the Mobile Legends game areassassin, fighter, mage, hunter/marksman, supportandtank.
In this tutorial, we will give you how to use cheats in the Mobile Legends game to make it easier to play to get wins using drone view config.
Drone View In Mobile Legends
Drone view or wide view, which is changing the position/view of the camera or the screen view to be wider or higher.
By default, the appearance of the Mobile Legends game is too close so that it doesn’t reach the opponent’s position in the game. By using a drone view, the view or screen view will look wider so it is easier to know the position of the opponent.
Please follow step by step according to the instructions to be able to try theDrone view configcheator the wide view of Mobile Legends on Android.
Installing Drone View In Mobile Legends
1.Downloadthe drone view config cheat file in Mobile Legends, then extract the zip file with ZArchiver or any other zipextractor application that can open zip/rar files on Android. Inside the zip file, there is a modified Mobile Legends config file.
2. Then copy / copy the extracted folder, namely the Android folder, please copy it into the internal memory folder/storage/ emulated / 0 /using zArchiver or file manager
/ storage / emulated / 0
3. Later there will be a notification message replace or replace the file, selectYes.
4. If you have replaced the config file with the modified config file, then close and reopenthe Mobile Legends game. Then please try it in all modes, for examplerank. (Thisdrone view cheatcan be used inboth rankandclassicmodes).
5. When entering a match, the display will appear wide and tall, making it easier to see enemies from a distance.
Thisconfig filehas been tested in all modes, including Rank mode, with Epic and Legends tiers. Good luck.