Disable Extra Notifications on Chrome: Every time entering a website in the Chrome browser , for example, users are often offered to get notifications for the site going forward.

This certainly irritates users who want to access the site calmly, especially when users accidentally allow the site to send various notifications for the future.
Therefore there is an easy way to turn off these notifications, so that users can later be more free when surfing the internet on Chrome .
Here’s how to disable extra notifications on chrome
1. Press the three dot icon button (red circle in the picture) located at the top right or press “alt + F” to open the menu.
2. Select “Settings”
3. Open the “Advanced” option located at the bottom of the screen to open other options.
4. In menu “Privacy and security”, then select “Site Settings”
5. In the options, select “Notifications”
6. In this option, there are sections that can be used by users, these three sections are for:
The first part is useful for making the site provide confirmation, whether users want to get ongoing notifications or not.
Second is to block all access notifications from sites that are entered into that section.
Third is intended for sites that are allowed to provide notifications to users. Thus we can disable extra notifications on chrome