How to Disable Find My iPhone Without Password (Updated)

You may have wondered how todisable find my iPhone without password, which is a great function developed by the company of bitten apple. Either because your device was previously owned by someone else or because you forgot your password, luckily this alternative is possible.

How to Disable Find My iPhone Without Password
How to Disable Find My iPhone Without Password

How to Disable Find My iPhone Without Password

Find my iPhonewas launched by this imposing company in 2010, operating primarily on iOS 5. Such has been its success, that there are many devices in which thistracking functionhas been integrated whose updates have improved considerably.

Some of these devices are Mac, Apple Watch, iPad, iPod Touch, AirPods and obviously iPhone. In this short post you will learn how to disable find my iPhone without password in several different ways depending on theversion of your iPhone.

Search my iPhone

This is a function that allows you to know in real time thelocation of your terminal, even the last time it was connected to the Internet.

His creation falls from the sky to those who have been stolen or lost their phone, since with it they will be able totrack it and recover itmore easily.

Another cool feature is that it cansend a sound to your iPhone, which is perfect for when you lose it at home and are hard to find.

Although of course, the most striking thing is that it is capable of remotelyblocking the deviceto prevent other people from accessing your personal information.

Disadvantages of disabling Find My iPhone

If you had in mind to disable search my iPhone without a password, you need to know that this is not recommended, except if you intend to sell the Smartphone. Some of the disadvantages of doing this are as follows:

  • You will lose controlover your team.
  • You will not be able to block it remotely,so you will put the integrity of your data at risk.
  • It will be impossible for you to establish a message that is displayed on the mobile’s lock screen in case of loss or theft.
  • It will not be possible for you todelete your personal informationremotely.
  • You will not have the possibility totrack your iPhone.
  • You will not know its location from when it was last connected to the network.

Why Would You Need to Disable Find My iPhone?

There are several legitimate reasons for wanting to disable Find My iPhone:

  1. Selling the Device
    If you’re selling your iPhone, the buyer might request Find My iPhone to be turned off to ensure they can use the device without restrictions.
  2. Device Repairs
    Some repair services may require Find My iPhone to be disabled to perform certain diagnostics or repairs.
  3. Forgotten Apple ID Password
    If you’ve forgotten your Apple ID credentials and are locked out of your account, you may need to disable the feature to regain full control of your device.
  4. Second-hand Purchases
    Buyers of second-hand iPhones may discover that the previous owner forgot to turn off Find My iPhone, leaving them unable to use the device fully.

How to disable find my iPhone without password in iOS 7?

Before starting the process, you may like to know some relevant information, such as that iOS 7 is version number 7 of the Apple system. This was unveiled in 2013 at the renownedWorld Developers Conference (WWDC).

Now, it is time to address the issue that brought you here, read carefully and follow the following steps to the letter:

  • Go to the“iCloud Settings”.
  • Click on the “Delete account” option.
  • Now you have to go to disable “Find My iPhone”.
  • A pop-up window will appear asking for your password. Ignore that and press the on / off button for a few seconds and turn off the device.
  • Restart the computer.
  • Go back to “iCloud Settings”.
  • Next, you have to click on the “Delete account” option to achieve your goal of deactivating search for my iPhone without a password. And voila, that’s the whole process.

How to disable find my iPhone without password in iOS 10?

It is nothing more and nothing less than the tenthoperating systemlaunched by Apple for these phones. Being the successor to iOS 9, it has been on the market for some time, although this is not a reason to stop being in circulation.

There are still people who make use of it and consequently are lucky enough to be able to disable find my iPhone without password. So your wait is over, you just have to follow these instructions:

  • Login to your iCloud account.
  • Go to the “Settings” section.
  • Delete the current password.
  • Write any code instead.
  • Click on “OK.”
  • You will now see an error notification appear to let you know that thepassword and ID are incorrect. Don’t worry about it, simply click on the “Accept” button.
  • Go to the top of the panel and press “Cancel” followed by “OK.”
  • The iCloud page will be shown again, you have to click where it says “Account”.
  • Delete the description that appears and click on “Accept”.
  • Finally, you will be redirected back to the main iCloud portal where you will see that the “Find my iPhone” option is disabled.

How to disable find my iPhone without password in iOS 12?

Despite not being themost up-to-date version in thehands of Apple, there is no doubt that it has gained many users around the world. Some question the fact that it has no flaw, but the truth is that it does.

In that sense, iOS does not escape the ingenious move of deactivating search for my Phone without a password, and below you will see how it is done:

  • Access your iCloud account settings.
  • You will be asked to enter your access code, but don’t worry, enter any code that comes to mind.
  • Click on “OK.”
  • You will see a notification appear indicating that the password you have entered is not correct. Don’t give it importance, click on “Accept”.
  • Then press “Cancel” at the top.
  • You will be redirected back to the main iCloud page, click on “Account” and delete the description.
  • You will once again see the iCluod section with the difference that the “Find my iPhone” function is disabled. And ready.


As you can see for yourself,disabling Find My iPhone without a passwordis incredibly easy, and it won’t be time-consuming. No matter what version of iOS you have, you just have to follow each of the instructions and you will surely achieve your mission.

Each device has its way of doing it, although of course, there areexternal programswith which you can carry out this process without any inconvenience.

Whatever the reason you want to remove this feature, you must take into account the different consequences that this entails and how it can affect you.

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