GBWhatsApp is a premium WhatsApp application that has a myriad of powerful and cool features that are not available in the official version of the WhatsApp application.
Download the Latest GB WhatsApp Mod 2021
GBWhatsApp is a modified version of the WhatsApp application made by non-official developers from WhatsApp. Due to the many limitations of the official version of WhatsApp.
GB WhatsApp Pro is here to maximize and protect the privacy of using the WhatsApp chat application. GBWhatsApp has many advantages over using the original version of WhatsApp.
Some of The Interesting Features that GBWhatsApp has
- Can hide chats from girlfriends or friends.
- Can activate the check mark 1 even though it has been read.
- Can activate blue tick after replying to message.
- Can see a friend’s story without getting caught we see it.
- Can see the story of friends who have been deleted.
- Can change the WhatsApp theme
- Can hide the chat of the person we want.
- Can find out all our friends who are online.
- Can know the activities of all our friends.
- Can restrict calls of certain friends on WhatsApp.
- Make WhatsApp offline temporarily.
- Hide / Remove online status information on the WhatsApp account
- Hide / Dismiss typing information.
- Hide photos / videos obtained from WhatsApp.
- Can send photos with high resolution is not broken.
- Can download pictures and video stories of friends.
- Can activate anti delete chat.
- Can activate anti-delete story status.
- Can lock the WhatsApp application with a pattern.
- Can be installed at once with the official version of WhatsApp (Dual WhatsApp),
- And much more.
How to activate the GBWhatsApp Feature
1. Download and install the GBWhatsApp application first, don’t forget to back up all chats on the original WhatsApp version, if you want to use the same number. Because 1 number can only be run on 1 WhatsApp application.
2. Then open GBWhatsApp, enter the CHATS menu – Strip 3 menu – GBSettings – Privacy And Security.
3. In the Privacy And Security menu, you can activate the desired features. Meanwhile, if you want to change the theme, please select the Themes menu.
Explanation of GBWhatsapp Features
Freeze Last Seen (Freeze last seen)= This feature can hide our online status when opening WhatsApp or chatting to someone.
Privacy Contact, Groups, Broadcasts= In this feature we can customize the features of Hide blue ticks (hide blue ticks), Hide second tick (hide second tick), Hide typing (hide typing), and so on.
Disable Forwarded (Disable forwarding)= This feature allows us to resend messages without the tag being forwarded.
Anti Delete Messages= This feature can prevent someone from deleting their chat messages. So when someone or our friend deletes a message, we can still see it.
Show Blue Ticks after reply (displays a blue tick after replying)= If this feature is activated, a blue check mark will be seen when we have replied to a chat message from a certain person.
Hide View Status (Hide view status)= If this feature is activated, we can see the status of a friend’s story without getting caught or not knowing our friends if we have seen their status.
Anti Delete Status= If this feature is activated, if our friend updates the status and then deletes it, we can still see the status even though it has been deleted by the owner.
WhatsApp Lock (WhatsApp lock)= In this feature you can hide and lock certain chats. To be able to activate it, enter the CHATS menu – then tap the WhatsApp logo or text. Later you will be asked to activate the lock pattern.
After activating the pattern lock, then return to the CHATS menu, then tap and hold on a particular contact or chat that we want to hide. Then select the EYE icon (eye).
To be able to see hidden contacts or messages please the WhatsApp logo on the WhatsApp main menu.
To change your theme, just go to GBSettings – Themes – Downloads Theme. There you can choose and use the theme you want for free by selecting the install button.
Besides that, there are many more features that you can customize, by trying it yourself. For the explanation above, there are some important points from the premium features of GBWhatsApp. good luck