In thisguide with map and video,we tell youhow to find and defeat Predator to overcome the new challenge ofDefeat Predatorin the Jungle Hunter missions ofFortniteSeason 5 in week 8.

How to find and defeat Predator in Fortnite
Defeat Predator: The Map

You will find him in theFurtive Feud, where you can hunt him down to get his skin and thus complete the rest of the challenges.
It will be a tough fight, so arm yourself well so you can face him.
The trick when it comes to defeating him is to zoom out a bit and narrow your eyes to see him from afar while he has camouflage activated.
Defeat Predator: The Video
Below we also leave you avideothat shows how tofind and defeat Predator. At least it will serve as a visual guide to be able to find it and know how to deal with it.