Smartphones, especially those with the Android operating system, are now almost everyone’s need. The reason is, this type of phone can be used to meet various kinds of human needs with the features and application services it provides. In addition, each user can of course choose what type of application to use by downloading it via the Play Store.

How to Free Up Storage Space Without Deleting Apps
However, there are several obstacles that are often experienced by almost all android users, namely limited storage space. Using many applications on one phone can indeed result in full storage space on the phone. As a result, an alternative that is generally done to get more space, namely by deleting other applications.
However, these solutions are not always effective, especially for those who still often use all the application services on their cellphones.
Therefore, this article will review several ways to free up storage space without deleting applications on all android phones including Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, Xiaomi, Huawei, Redmi and many other brands that you can try.
Tips to free up storage space on Android phones
A full storage space is quite annoying because it can hinder the user’s activity in using his cellphone. However, deleting other applications that may still be used quite often is also an unfortunate solution.
For that, here are some ways to free up storage space without deleting applications, this method can be done on various cellphone brands including Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, Xiaomi, Huawei, Redmi and many other brands, good luck.
Clearing App Cache
Instead of deleting the app entirely, you should simply clear the cache that has been generated by using the app. Cache itself is a term for temporary data storage on the Android internal memory system.
Although it functions as a storage area, the data contained in it is temporary and has an expiration date, so it can be safely deleted or deleted. The steps, namely:
- Go to settings on android
- Select the Application Manager menu
- Please select the desired application in the list, after that clear the cache.
How to Free Up Storage Space by Moving Apps to External Memory
The way to free up storage space without deleting the next application is to move the application to external memory or SD card.
Generally, every application that is downloaded through the Play Store will be automatically saved in your internal storage, so the storage will gradually become more limited. Therefore, using an SD card is one solution by following these steps:
- Open settings on android
- Select the Apps menu or Application Management
- After that tap the selected application to enter the info page.
- Click theMove to SD Card button to start the moving process.
Deleting Old Messages or Chats
Messages or chats that have been piled up for a long time in some chat applications, such as SMS and Whatsapp, can also contribute to less space in storage space.
Although the effect is not so significant, deleting these old messages can help reduce the load on the internal memory space on the cellphone.
Resetting the Storage Location of HP Camera Photos
Often taking pictures using an Android cellphone camera can basically be one of the main factors for the internal memory to fill up quickly. The reason is, one snap, the photos obtained can reach sizes up to 5 MB.
To prevent this, you can switch the storage location of your shots to external memory by resetting the settings in your phone’s camera settings. This is quite effective as a way of freeing up storage space without deleting existing apps.