Google Stadia: Do we want to play online without having to buy a console or a PC game? Let’s see how to use Google’s cloud gaming. In order to play the best online video games online, we must necessarily have a game console or equip a gaming computer with the components suitable for supporting the graphics and other elements of the game.
Times are changing quickly and, with Internet connections becoming increasingly faster (both in download and in upload), more and more companies try to push oncloud gaming, i.e. games managed by very powerful and reproducible servers on any computer with Internet connection, a monitor and control systems (mouse, keyboard or controller), without any computational load (we do not need a graphics card or other expensive components to play).
Among the companies that try to bring this revolution in gaming, there is also Google, which has launched its Stadia service, which can be used for a limited period of time without any limit.
How Google Stadia works
In the following chapters, we will see closely what Google Stadia is and what technology it uses to offer online games without even having a console or a video card suitable for the game: in most cases, it is enough to have Google Chrome to play!
What is cloud gaming
Google Stadia is a subscription-based cloud gaming service that can be managed from a simple web browser, in this case, Google Chrome.
Bycloud gaming we mean those services that take charge of the computational part (graphics and sound generation) through dedicated servers; in fact, the user will see a streaming audio/video stream of the chosen game on his monitor and send the management commands (keys pressed on the keyboard or on the controller or mouse movements) via the Internet, thus making the use of a dedicated video card or other hardware to be able to play on PC.
Since the data all pass over the Internet, a very fast Internet connection and an extremely low ping are required, so that you can play without slowing down between what we do and what actually happens on the screen (there is still a delay, it is inevitable).
In order to play correctly on Stadia, we make sure to comply with the following requirements:
- Google Chromebrowser updated
- Active Stadia account (can be associated with the Google account)
- Internet connection with download speed 10Mbit / s (for 720p streaming streams) or 15 Mbit / s (for 1080p streams)
- Mouse or keyboard
Stadia is also compatible with the most popular game controllers: we can safely use the Xbox One controller, but also the PS4controlleror theStadia controller.
How to register for the service
In order to immediately try the cloud gaming service, we open our Google Chrome browser on a Windows PC (but Mac or Linux are also fine) and connect to theGoogle Stadia site. In the window that will open, press theTry nowbutton and enter the login credentials of a Google account.
If the Google account has already been entered in the browser or is active on Google sites (for example, we have already logged in to Gmail or YouTube), simply confirm the email address displayed.
We confirm the address and terms of the service then proceed with the first configurations, choosing an avatar and a Stadia nickname (important, since it will allow us to be recognized by friends).
Let’s click onAvantiagain and choose the privacy settings: we can choose who can contact us, who can add us as a friend or who can view the information on our Stadia account.
We confirm again on the updates screen and go immediately to the most important screen, that is to activate the free trial.
We pressthebuttonStart the test, so as to open the screen where you can enter the payment method.
Even if a free trial period is available,we will still have to enter a valid payment method: only then can we continue. Credit cards and prepaid cards of the MasterCard, VISA and American Express circuit are currently supported (the municipality Postepay is also fine).
We would like to clarify thatit is not necessary to pay anything at this stage (no charge): the date on which the actual billing will begin is clearly shown. Similar to when seen for other services with free trial, we will have to block the billing at the end of the trial period, to avoid having to pay for the service (which currently has a price of€ 9.99 per month).
Compatible devices
As mentioned in the introduction to cloud gaming, any PC or notebook even very old and with dual core processor is enough to play modern titles: the important thing is that Google Chrome opens and that it is possible to manage a single card, where it will be ” reproduced “the game.
Google Stadia works well without having to update drivers or system components: you pay for a monthly subscription andthe powerful Google servers take care of the computational part!
In addition to PCs and notebooks with any operating system, we can play Stadia on some smartphones and tablets and it is possible to play on a TV using aChromecast Ultra(not the normal version).
Games available
Currently, it is possible to play some very famous video game titles (no free games or semi unknown games).
Currently, you can try Destiny 2, GRID, Serious Sam Collection, GYLT, Stacks On Stacks and others for free in your subscription. Over the months the games offered in the free subscription will increase, so you can play online without having to actually buy the game.
Next to the games provided with the monthly subscription, we can purchase other games from theStadia Store: the games sold will be tied to our account and we can play without problems even without the subscription, always in cloud gaming mode.
Cloud gaming is not new in the panorama of Internet-based technologies: many other companies have tried and failed miserably, given that the business was not sustainable and the servers were not sufficient to offer speed and prompt response of the commands.
Google’s powerful servers and Stadia’s well-integrated and accessible platform could break the wall that has hindered cloud gaming so far: already now the service is sublime on all fronts and, if it will also support the growth of online users, it will probably mark the end of home game consoles and gaming PCs as we know them today.