Torrent sites are the best places to download recent series and movies for free, without paying anything. YggTorrent is one of the most popular French BitTorrent trackers, however downloading torrents is not easy on YggTorrent as for Cpasbien, Torrent9, etc.

How to Download on YGGTorrent – YGG Ratio Management
You can not download on YggTorrent, can not register, how to manage or increase its YGG ratio? I have the solution for you, in this article, we will answer all these questions.
Why register on YGGTorrent for Download?
BitTorrent technology is a peer-to-peer data transfer protocol and a torrent tracker is a list of all machines that download or store a file in a network such as an internet.
There are 3 types of tracker: Public | Private | Semi-Private.
Public trackers are trackers open to the general public. To access it, you do not need to register unlike private trackers.
The French torrent sites such as Cpasbien, Torrent9 are of the public type.
Here’s So How To Download on YGGTorrent
Step 1: Go to YGGtorrent.coand then “Register” to open a YGG account. You will receive an email validation.
Step 2: Open the confirmation email received and validate your account.
Step 3: Log in with your credentials, you have a Ratio 15 (15 GB) directly. Then search for the content (video, audio, application, game, ebook, etc.) that you want to download.
Step 4: Once on the content page, click on ” Download the torrent “. You have your .torrent file, you can now start downloading content with a torrent client or whatever you want, it’s simple.
Note: It is advisable not to stop downloading a torrent once finished, but leave it so that you can also share it (Seed). The strength of the BitTorrent community lies in sharing.
What is the RATIO system?
It is very simple. So to be able to download 10 GB of what you want, you’ll have to share 10 GB of what you have. 10 GB and 10 GB give us a RATIO of 1 and there you can continue to download.
So let’s say you shared 100 GB on YGG you can download 100 GB. Now let’s say the opposite you downloaded 20 GB but you only shared 10 GB, half of it. And well know one thing is that you will not be able to download anything until you get the balance and you come back to 20 GB. 20 GB against 20 GB is good you can download.
If you redownload too much you can no longer download. You have to share to get to level. So basically it’s simple, your sharing ratio must be equal to your download ratio or higher for you to download.
The moment you download more than what you give to the community, you will be able to download more. And that’s completely logical, you shouldn’t take advantage of the system. Always think win-win.
If you want to download without sharing and without taking the lead, without doing anything PAYE. It’s simple you go you take your credit card you pay and will have everything you want without putting your own.
And in addition, know one thing is that Yggtorrent they are really very nice with you because at registration they offer you 15 GB. So basically when you start on the site it is as if you have already shared 15 Go. Basically from the start you have the right to download 15 gigabytes for free without doing anything.
But after a while guys you will have to share so I advise you to keep the advance of 15 GB and as soon as you can share. There I know very well what you are going to say to me “Okay, thank you we understood but how do we increase its ratio? ”
How to Increase YggTorrent Ratio?
It is simply by sharing, by becoming SEEDERS. So by being also SEEDER and not just LEECHERS. So before you explain how to share, how to become a SEEDER, you should know that what you are going to download is not files.
We call itTorrentand to be able to download torrents you need software that allows you to download torrents. Torrent software there are plenty I recommend you download eitherµTorrentorBitTorrentorqBittorrent instead. These are the best three on the market so download one of the three.
So what is this software for? As I explained to you this software allows you to download a torrent so your film, your series etc.
Let’s say that you want to download an episode of Game Of Thrones, so you go to the YggTorrent site and there you see a post from someone (Alex for example) who shares an episode of Game of throne. So, Alex thanks to the uTorrent software send you the episode of Game of Thrones to your uTorrent software.
This is how it goes. So that’s all, well now you’ve downloaded your game of thrones episode. Before there was only Alex who was the owner of this episode. But now that you too have downloaded it, we agree that you too have become the owner of the episode of Game of thrones.
So let’s admit there is another person who wants to download this episode of Game of thrones, we’re going to take Bob. If you leave your uTorrent software open and leave the file in its original location automatically when Bob downloads the episode you pass as a sharer. Including a SEEDER.
It’s automatic then Bob downloads Game of thrones too he becomes the owner. Let’s assume a fourth person Patrick also wants to download this episode, Bob who left his uTorrent open, he automatically becomes a sharer. Okay, I think you understand.
Now at first, the first SEEDER was all alone to share the file. So when Alex downloaded there was no one sharing it. Now when Patrick goes to download how many people share it?
There are three times more people. So logically, the more people sharing, the faster the download. So I think you understand if you leave your uTorrent software open and leave the file in its original location you become a SEEDER sharer and therefore you increase your ratio.
Do not tell you yeah go ahead I am lazy I do not do it. You have to tell yourself that people do it for you so do it for people too. This is a sharing site, a community site. So that was the first way to increase your ratio, to become a sharer.
Now the second way to increase its ratio is simply to do like the first SEEDER at the beginning, to share something that you have on your pc, to go to Yggtorrent and to upload your file.
We are not going to hide it, we all have files lying around on our pc that can be used by people. So it’s simple you go to the Yggtorrent site and you look, you put in the search bar the file you want to share, you see if someone has already shared it or not.
If nobody shared it and you share it. After all you can share something that someone has already shared here, don’t worry. But the best way to really increase your Ratio is to share something that is not yet shared on Yggtorrent.
And there is a little tip that I can give if you have nothing on your pc, it’s simply to be the first to share. If you see something that has just come out elsewhere you share it on Yggtorrent and if you are the first to share you will blow up your Ratio.
So here are the explanations of the ratio and how to increase your ratio. I explained to you all the principles of this site. So I hope you have understood the principle of mutual aid and sharing.
Read also our guide on how to increase YGGTorrent Ratio?
There is a method to have an unlimited ratio using the Ratiomaster software, do you want me to show you how? Tell me in the comments and I will also make a video on how to use Ratiomaster to increase its YggTorrent ratio.