Play Youtube videos with screen off: It could be a tricky task to play Youtube videos in off screen mode of the device as this is the automatic behavior of Youtube by which it stops playing videos in off mode and for that you have to follow the guide.
If you know YouTube well and you read the videos regularly, you’ll know that as soon as the device’s screen goes blank while playing videos,then the videos stop. There are no such direct options by which you can play in the background.
Videos are paused on the screen and can be resumed after you turn on the screen again. Videos can’t even be played in power-off mode.
Now to add the possibility to your Youtube not to interrupt the videos when the screen is off, there is a method by which all of this can be done.
Here in this article, we wrote the method by which you can easily configure the Youtube not to interrupt the videos on the screen.
Just read it! play Youtube videos with the screen off
Play Youtube videos with screen off on android
# 1 play YouTube videos in the background without rooting Android
The best part of this method is that you will not need to root your Android device.
Therefore, go through the post to find out how to play YouTube videos in the background without rooting your Android device.
# 2 when using Youtube onMozilla Firefox
YouTube is accessible through web browsers, as we all know, but can we enable the above functionality to allow video playback, even on screen on Youtube, using any browser? Yes! This feature can be enabled using the Firefox web browser, start by downloading and installing the browser on your smartphone, then follow the other Youtube settings in the browser.
Open the browser, then go to the Youtube website, then go to the YouTube settings page from there. From this option, request the Youtube office website on your phone, once it launches on your device, you can easily play the videos from there. Videos are not paused or stopped even if you turn off the screen of your device!
Note: you need to verify that the Youtube desktop website is launched on your device from which you can play videos, as the function will not work if you are using YouTube mobile site.
# 3 Sony XperiaSmall Apps
If you have a Sony Xperia device, there is a trick for that device with which Youtube videos can be played even on the lock screen or the screen off. Just download and install the Media Viewer Small app from the Play Store, then open it on your device.
Now touch the square button on your device for a while, then touch the arrow below the screen.
You need to access the Videos web app from there and then inside this app you can easily search for and play YouTube videos inside.
This application allows you to play videos even under the screen.
# 4Youtube Music Keysubscription
It is a type of Youtube service that allows you to read content from Youtube even when the screen is off or when Youtube is playing in the background.
You will have to pay for the subscription, then activate it from the YouTube settings, then play the videos afterwards. The functionality will be activated and videos can therefore be played even in screen off mode.
So, this is the method by which you can easily configure your Youtube not to disable the playback of videos on the screen off your device.
It is not the very difficult method to apply and you just need to follow a few steps and use only the basic techniques.
You may like this feature on your Youtube, as it will also deduct accidentally stopping your videos when the lock button is pressed suddenly.
Your videos will stay playing on the screen and you will be able tolisten to music or the sound of Youtube videos on the screen off, it is not so pleasant!