WhatsApp instant messaging service presented,in its official blog,WhatsApp Business. A new platform, aimed at the world of work, thatwill help companies to manage messages with their customers. Anapplicationthat allows its users to have a business presence in WhatsApp and communicate more efficiently with their customers, as the company assured.

After a first contact in countries such as Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States,WhatsApp Business arrives in Spain.
Therefore, all those companies that want to manage communication in a much simpler and more comfortable way, just have to download the application on their mobile phone or computer, install it, and start optimizing your messages to reach an audience every time higher.
How to use WhatsApp with landline
Today, many people associate their personal mobile phone number with WhatsApp to talk with their customers. On the other hand, there are several people who prefer to acquire a second telephone line (other than personal) so that all calls and messages arrive directly at this telephone number.
With the arrival of WhatsApp Business, you may prefer to use WhatsApp with your landline. Although it is an option that was already available, the arrival of this new platform in Spain gives more meaning to this option.
To associate your landline number with your WhatsApp Business account you will only have to download the application and, when offering the number linked to your account, write your landline instead of your mobile phone, just likeFinancial Expressaccount .
You can use two WhatsApp accounts at the same time
Since you will not be able to verify your landline number via SMS,WhatsApp Business will offer you the possibility of receiving a call to verify that, in effect, the number you have provided is yours. Once this is done, you can now use the new WhatsApp platform with your fixed number.
Thanks to this, you can talk to your customers without the need to provide your personal number or buy another mobile phone through which to handle any management.
Therefore,you can use two WhatsApp accounts from the same mobile phone.On the one hand, you can use your personal number with the WhatsApp application and, on the other, use the company number through WhatsApp Business.
A new twist for a platform that has recently announced that it already has more than 1.5 billion users worldwide.