In the world of bloggers, many people ask how to increase CPC / CPC Google Adsense? CPC is an abbreviation of (Cost Per Click) or CPC (Cost per click) so this is where many beginners in the blogger world complain because their CPC / CPC is low.

Sometimes the CPC also drops drastically between around 100/200 silver rupiah. Of course this makes us think why the CPC/bpk is so small? Can’t it be improved anymore?
And how to increase the CPC / CPC Google Adsense? To increase the CPC / CPC google Adsense for blogs is very easy and you just follow the tips below.
How to Increase Google Adsense CPC
To increase the CPC / CPC of google Adsense I applied several methods that were quite accurate and of course the impact could be seen.
Yesterday, my CPC was only 100/200 silver and now it can reach 700/1500 depending on the number of blog visitors. After I experimented, the more visitors who visited our blog it turned out that my google Adsense CPC was also increasing.
The photo above is the result of my Adsense performance today. I did this experiment more than 1 week ago and the result is pretty good.
Especially if our blog is quiet, of course we hope that the income can be above 20 thousand or 50 thousand, right? Want to know how to increase Google Adsense CPC/CPC from my experience?
1. Block Sensitive Category Ads
Actually, this sensitive category ads make visitors uncomfortable. It makes you uncomfortable, plus the pay is also low. Why do I have this thought?
It’s simple, have you ever seen an ad about strong drugs? Or ads that are not suitable to be displayed on our blog? Of course this makes visitors uncomfortable and not really like that.
It’s not like what, as our blog says, tutorial niche, tips and tricks, then the ad appears extending and enlarging, yes… You know what I don’t need to mention
How to Block Sensitive Category Ads
First of all you go to your Adsense dashboard. Then look forBlocking Control, after that go to theAll Sites menu. Later you will meet the nameof the sensitive category contentand then clickmanage sensitive categories.
Here I block the contraception categories and social casino games. The reason is because the CPC / CPC is very low when a visitor clicks on an ad on our blog.
Why did I block this ad? After I checked using the KeywordSpy tool the CPC results were very low and finally I just blocked it.
Here I will see how much CPC is when a visitor clicks on the social casino game ad category. And when using the KeywordSpy tool, the result was only $0.05 dollars! Very small isn’t it?
If you want to see the ad categories that have high and low CPC here I will explain how to use keywordspy. First, you first open the site that I mentioned above.
Then select keywords and select the country Singapore, because this country is close to our country, namely Indonesia. So I use the country andpaste the category like ss above. Well…! Automatically, keywordspy will show the CPC of that category.
For other categories or general categories, the tips are the same. You just have to paste the category whether it has a high or low CPC value. If I personally have a minimum CPC of my Adsense category of $ 0.75 and up to $ 1.00 only, if below that I block.
2. Block Magical Ads and Shamanic Ads
The next way to increase Google Adsense CPC / CPC is to block these ads. Here I block some ads that are not profitable at all, namely unseen ads and pesugihan ads. If you find an ad like this, how do you respond?
Are you sure you just let it go? I think subdomain ads like Blogspot and WordPress certainly have a fairly small fee for us.
Even though they use any .com domain, the name pesugihan ads must have a very small CPC/CPC. So I recommend blocking those ads. And here are some categories of ads that you can block, including:
- Unseen Or Unseen
- Pellet
- witchcraft
- Shaman
- Extend
- Size
- CM
- Ritual
- Charity
- Get Rich Quick DLL
How to Block Advertiser Accounts & Block Google Adsense Ads
First of all guys ClickPriority For In PreviewOrImpressions
Enter the text category, as in the example above, I used the supernatural category and later sites that had the supernatural category and also the get-rich-quick category, supernatural funds, pesugihan etc. would appear.
Here I take an example of an advertisement. This is just an example because in my account there are a lot of low cpc ads so I’ve blocked all of them. Except WordPress with .com and for WordPress subdomain just block it.
After you click on the ad you want to block, clickblock accountfirst so that the blog owner’s google ads account will no longer appear on our blog, then clickblock ads.
Do these tips depend on our niche? CPC SEO experts say it depends on your blog niche, bro? For a free niche, it can be applied to a gado-gado blog, so you don’t need to be afraid because your CPC is low.
3. Optimization of Ad Layout
Ad layout can also affect your AdSense and CPC earnings. For ad position, you can put it above the article, below the title, and in the article paragraph, if you are confused, you can follow the layout of the ads on our blog.
For ad sizes we recommend using a size of 300×250 (sidebar) and within articles (640×300)
4. Don’t Too Many Ads And Enable Auto Ads
very good automatic ads are activated, by using automatic ads AdSense ads on your blog you will get a lot of clicks, I previously did research before and after using automatic ads.
The result is that the number of ad clicks is increasing, but you don’t put too much manual advertising if you use manual ads, you should only install 2/3 manual ad units, and the rest use automatic ads.
5. Expand Responsive Ads And Place Matched Content Ads (Capable Content Ads)
Responsive ads are great for increasing the CPC/CPC of Google AdSense ads, why am I talking like that? you can pay attention to this blog.
We mostly use responsive ads and for the bottom of the article we only post Matched content ads (adjustable ads) this is intentionally so that our CTR is not too low, and after implementing responsive cpc ads this blog has experienced a drastic increase and is able to generate revenue. 90-140 thousand per day.
6. Using Sticky Ads (Floating ADS)
Sticky ads or what are known as floating ads are very capable of increasing the number of ad clicks and able to increase the CPC of ads on our blog, why do I say that?
This is because to install sticky ads, we must use responsive ad types, not only that, when visitors visit your blog, responsive ads will automatically follow the drag menu according to the reader’s behavior.
This is what makes responsive ads able to increase the number of ad clicks + able to increase the number of your Adsense CPC, then is there any specific evidence about this article of ours? You need proof, here is CPC evidence from what we manage, namely conspiracy.
If you use amp on WordPress and are confused about how to install sticky ads, you can read our recently published article, in this article we teach you how to put sticky ads on amp WordPress.
Does Blocking Ads Affect Adsense Earnings? Actually very impactful but these tips are pretty good. But if you block too many ads it can also have an impact on our google Adsense account. This is also confirmed by Google Adsense.
If the problem is safe or not, of course this is safe, because many SEO experts do these tips. But google Adsense itself forbids us from blocking other ads so I suggest blocking ads that have a low CPC value only.
Well, that’s how to increase Google Adsense CPCd. If you have implemented these tips, don’t forget to visit our blog again, and comment below if these tips work for your blog.