Increase the Face ID Accuracy: The arrival of the iPhone X in our lives a few months ago was preceded by some expectations. Not only because of its unprecedented OLED screen, its 5.8-inch size or the orientation of its camera.
The biometric identification system, known as Face ID, was released on an Apple device. Andhe’s putting on could not have been more embarrassing.
How to Increase the Face ID Accuracy of iPhone X
Regardless,Face ID has emerged as a secure system, and user satisfaction appears to be good. Its reliability, comfort is highlighted and the security of having a medium that takes 30,000 points of the face and which is impossible to deceive with a photograph is highlighted, which seems to be viable in the new Samsung Galaxy S9.
Although like everything, it is improvable and todaywe are going to indicate four small tipsthat can be easily done to improve the reliability of Face ID. If you want to know they do not stop reading.
Rescan face
Once the iPhone has registered your face, it is interesting that you do it again after a while. Itissimplya way of giving more data to your deviceabout the changes that may occur in it, which would give greater precision in the long run.
Turn off functions with attention detection
As you know, Face ID needs to look you in the eye. Why? To avoid that someone can unlock your iPhone while you sleep.
But it has a negative part, and it is none other than increasing the error rate, so itis interesting to disable this function. To do this, follow the path Settings> Face ID and code and disable Features with attention detection