WhatsApp is now widely used for daily activities. Starting from just sending messages, to sending data such as photos, videos and documents. WhatsApp features are quite diverse. One of them is broadcast or broadcast messages.
How to Create Broadcast Messages on Whatsapp
Small talk first for those who don’t know whatbroadcast on WhatsApp is. In short, this feature works when you want to send a message, to two or more contacts, directly. So that you don’t have to be tired anymore to send one by one.
You can set the contact itself. Can select the desired person, with a maximum of 256 contacts. This feature is suitable for many things. Personally, I often announce an event to my friends. Well, here’s how to use it.
#1. Open WhatsApp App
First, please open the WhatsApp application as usual.
Note, thisbroadcastfeature is recommended on the latest version of WhatsApp. To avoiderrorsthat may occur due to version differences with the recipient of the message.
#2. Open New Broadcast Menu
After opening the WhatsApp application, please tapthe three-doticonat the top.
Later, several menus will appear from theicon. Select theNew Broadcastmenu to open thebroadcast feature.
#3. Select Contact
Here the contact page will appear. Please select several contacts, at least two of whom you want to send broadcast messages.
You can scroll down to search for the contact name (in alphabetical order), or use the search field at the top. Please press the green check button when everything is done.
#4. Enter Broadcast Message
Well, here there is achat window, where thechat will lead to the contact you selected. Simply you just type the desired message. Then tap theSendiconto send the message.
#5. Check Result
After all the steps you apply, now justcheck the results of the message. For example like the picture above.
Characteristics if the contact has been received and read, the tick will change to two (but not blue).
- If the number of contacts on your cellphone is below 256 contacts, you can send direct messages to all of these contacts.
- If your message has not been sent successfully, repeat the steps above correctly. Make sure the internet is stable.
- For messages that can be sent not only text. But you can also send messages in the form of pictures, documents, contact numbers and more.
Can We Make Broadcast On Whatsapp Web?
Especially for WhatsApp Web, it does not support thebroadcast message feature. Likewise with the Windows-based WhatsApp application.
The reason is that in the broadcast feature, we are required to select contact data, which must be saved first with the contact number and name.
Well, but there are other alternatives:
- You can tryinstallingan emulator-like application. For example like Nox, Bluestack, and others like.
- On the emulator, install the WhatsApp application then log in to your account
- Send and copy contact data from the cellphone to the emulator. Make sure the contacts are legible.
Just repeat the steps I explained earlier. Guaranteed, the WhatsAppbroadcastfeature can be used
The final word
So a brief discussion, about how to create abroadcastmessage in the WhatsApp application. This feature can be useful for various needs. One of them is to announce an event as I said before, to send data to many contacts.
Any question? Just post it in the comments.