Chatapplications such as WhatsApp, Line and others generally have voice orvideo call features.
But for those who don’t know, Facebook as a social media application also has this feature,you know, which you can activate via the application or the website directly.

How to Make Video Call on Facebook
Well, if you want to try using thevideo callfeature on Facebook, you can continue reading the explanation in the following article.
How to Video Call on Facebook (Android Phone)
For the tutorial, I divided it into two. Namely through an Android phone, and through a laptop. For Android phones, we use direct applications.
Here’s how.
1. Download the Messenger App
Thechatfeature on Facebook is more complete if you use theMessenger application. In this application,video callinghas also become a default feature.
For that, please open the Google Playstore, then search for andinstallthe Messenger applicationon your cellphone.
2. Facebook Login
After the Messenger application installation process is complete,log in toyour Facebook accountfirst.
Please open the Facebook application on Android, then enter yourusernameandpassword. If you have clickedthe Login button.
3. Open the Messenger App
Continue to openthe Messenger application. Later the Messenger application will detect your Facebook account after successfullylogging in.
If there is more than one account, just choose the one you normally use.
4. Start Video Call
Well, you can start using thevideo call feature.
Here’s how tovideo callon Facebook Android:
- Tapthe search fieldat the top.
- Thensearch foranotherusernamethat you want to call via thevideo call feature.
- After that, you will be redirected to thatcontact.
- Tap thecameraiconto start avideo call.
- Done.
Here you just have to wait until the selected contact receives thevideo call.
How to Video Call on Facebook Via Laptop
For via laptop,video callscan be made directly through the Facebook site. The important thing is to make sure the laptop camera is active, and the internet used is stable.
Here are the steps.
#1. Facebook Login
Open thebrowseron your laptop then visit the site. Log in to your Facebook account as usual there.
#2. Search Contact
On the Facebook home page, click thesearch iconin the box on the right. Then a search field will appear.
EntertheFacebookusernameyou want to call. If so, click the contact.
#3. Open the Video Call Feature
The contact you selected will appear at the bottom. To make avideo call, you can click thecameraiconnext to the contact name.
#4. Allow Browser Access Camera and Microphone
A new window will appear again from thebrowseryou are using. This window is used to makevideo callslater.
Well before that, givepermissionto thebrowserto access the camera and microphone on your laptop.
#5. Start Video Call
If it is allowed, then the tab will startcallingyourcontacts. Well, you just have to wait until the contact answers the call.
The final word
Well, that’s the discussion regarding how tovideo callon Facebook via Android phones and laptops.
The method I describe here is the easiest. But of course it can still be adjusted again. For example, on an Android phone, you can also use abrowserif you want.
If you have any questions or problems from the steps above, just send them through the comments column below.