We don’t think many people know how to find movies on Telegram Android. Even though this method can be the best alternative to fill your spare time on the sidelines of WFH.
To search for movies on the Telegram Android application is very easy and does not require any conditions. Interestingly, this feature can be enjoyed for free without any subscription fees.

How to Search And Download Movies on Telegram Android
After successfully finding your favorite movie via Android Telegram, you can also download it so you can watch it offline. There are many movie genres that can be found on Telegram Android.
So, for how to find movies on Telegram Android itself, you just need to join theTELEGRAM Group or CHANNEL. For more details, just read our article.
How to search for movies via Android Telegram
For those of you fans of the Drakor series, Thai films and other films from within and outside the country, you can now enjoy them via Android Telegram.
There are many Telegram Groups and Channels that provide these films for free complete with Indo subtitles. Here we present the steps to find and watch your favorite movies via Android Telegram:
1. Open Telegram Android
First, please open the Telegram application on an Android smartphone. If you don’t have it, you can install it via theGoogle Play Store.
2. Tap Search Column
After that, on the main page, please tap the Search column at the top to search for a Group or Channel Provider Film on Telegram. For example here you want to find the film, so just type Film Name in that column.
3. Select Movie Group / Channel
Then several options for Groups and Channels will appear. Pleaseselect theone with the most members.
4. The Join tab
If so, now tapJoin atthe bottom.
5. Enjoy watching
Now you havesuccessfullyjoined the form. Next, all you have to do is look for the movie you want to watch via Android Telegram or the Browser application bycopying the link.
How To Download Movies From Telegram
Then after successfully searching for and finding your favorite film on Telegram Android, you can also download it so you can enjoy it offline.
However, for this method we recommend doing it onTELEGRAM FOR PC. Well, the procedures for downloading movies from Telegram are as follows:
1. Open Telegram PC
On the main page, please select theTelegram Form for the film providerthat you have followed on Android Telegram.
2. Search for Movies
Then you just have to look for which movies to watch offline. After tapping theDownload icon.
3. Download process takes place
Then a display will appear indicating thatthe Download processis in progress. Wait until the Movie is downloaded 100%.
4. Save the Download Results
If so, then save the Download file in a folder on your PC. To do this,right click -> Save Video As.
5. Download Movies on Telegram Has Been Successful
Finally, the film issuccessfully stored on yourPC or laptop and you can enjoy it without an internet connection and buffering interruptions.
That’s how to find movies on Android Telegram that we can present. Through the method above, you can enjoy the best films and series from within and outside the country for free.