Today’s Firefox no longer includes support for simple site sharing as before. But with Share Backported, you can use this feature again.

How to Easily Share an Article in Firefox via Email or Social Media?
Last fall, Firefox has changed significantly with the release of version 57. Changes include one absence – the integrated feature for easy sharing of websites via email, social networks, etc. has been removed.
Installation and setup
When sharing in this way you stand, flee to the Web Add-ons for Firefox. Click Add to Firefox, and then confirm the installation again. The add-on creates a share button on the main toolbar but also in the address bar.
If you want to keep only the button in the address bar, open the main menu hidden under the hamburger button and click Set up toolbars. Drag a button from the toolbar to the space below for a number of other buttons. Click Done to confirm the new toolbar.
Sharing and Supported Services
All you need to do is tap the button with the paper swallow symbol to choose the service you want to share with. In particular, the following services are supported:
Twitter, Google+,
The author of the add-in reports that Share Backported is compatible with containers, including the Facebook container. So if you use containers, you don’t have to worry about sharing functionality.