People have different motivations while seeking to spy on others. One may want to spy on a phone to ensure their loved ones are safe. Maybe they want to keep tabs on a person. Everyone’s priorities are different.
For parents, spying on their kid’s mobile device ensures that they do not get into hot water. Or to make sure they’re staying within defined limits. The biggest contributor to the spread of IM apps is the millennials/Gen-Z demographics. Exposure to such apps might even have turned into an addiction for some.
Spy On Anyone’s Instant Messaging Apps Using These 3 Tips
For employers, that means keeping track of activities in the workplace on company-owned devices. Productivity is a bigger concern than actually tracking 100% of activities.
This is where spy apps come in. These phone surveillance apps make sure anyone can spy on devices without raising suspicion. This is what makes a spy app better than the rest. Discretion.
In this guide, we will discuss how you can make the most out of spy on anyone’s instant messaging apps while following 3 basic guidelines.
So what do the numbers say?
- IM apps are currently beating social media sites as of 2021. In terms of active users per month, IM apps have a 20% bigger cap than their social media counterparts.
- Apps such as Snapchat have a user base of 200 million active people.
- Out of the 200 million user base, more than 80% fall in the age group of 13 to 34 years of age.
- The average number of “snaps” being made in one day amounts to more than 3 billion.
- More than 1.75 billion people are projected to use Whatsapp by next year. The figure can only go up, knowing the popularity of IM apps.
- Facebook Messenger has crossed more than 1.2 Billion users.
- A major chunk of users using IM apps have more than a single IM app installed. 16% of the users are active on three or more apps.
But what tips should you follow while aiming to spy on these IM apps? Here’s 3 for starters:
1. Discreet & Undetectable
Spy apps are of no use if your target audience knows there’s someone keeping tabs. The app should run by default on a “stealth mode”—something that will keep it from being detected (icon should be invisible et cetera). This will allow users to spy on the intended device without realizing someone is spying on their activities.
2. Compatible
There are plenty of spy apps in the market that works with mobile ecosystems (iOS and Android). You need to research and compare a few apps and select one which works perfectly alright with the target device.
It should be kept in mind that even if the app works, some require the device to be Jailbroken or rooted to use the full set of features.
3. Solid After-Sales Support
Spy apps may not be the most intuitive and may have a learning curve while setting up. You may struggle if you haven’t used one before.
You must select an app that provides after-sales services. This includes customer support among other things. This means that your queries are answered timely, and all the data you have access to can be accessed only via certain user IDs and passcodes. And if you lose access to it, there’s timely help on its way.
So what app offers all of this and more? We have curated an app that fits the criteria for the three tips mentioned above: XNSPY.
And here’s why.
XNSPY possesses some of the best mobile phone surveillance capabilities which allows you to spy on any and every kind of mobile app. Here are some of its features that will enable you to spy on the apps you need:
Root/Jailbreak Not Necessary
XNSPY is a no-Jailbreak and root-free surveillance app. So you don’t need to be a techie to do either of these first and then deploy the app. In addition to it, you don’t have to worry about the time and effort wastage and the security risks such procedures bring (malware attacks and open-doors).
Discreet Working
All the surveillance activities run in the background, leaving no traces for the phone user to find out. The app runs silently and you have no worries about the app interfering with mobile performance. And what’s even better? The app disguises itself and its icon after you install it.
Easy-To-Use & Intuitive
XNSPY gives an easy way of spying on any device be it Android or iOS. The app ensures that only you can access the content on your dashboard. It is easy to use and does not have a big learning curve.
The dashboard is web-based and lets you spy remotely. You only need to login to start viewing the data discreetly. You can use any web browser to access the dashboard.
Still interested? So are thousands of other users across the globe. Here’s what it has to offer:
1. Keylogger
XNSPY logs all records of the keystrokes pressed on the device. That means you will get captured data including usernames, passwords, and more! Through this feature, you can know any credentials typed in the device.
2. GPS Surveillance
XNSPY allows you to know the real-time whereabouts of any target device. The app can track GPS location with great accuracy.
In addition to this, you can also set up Geofencing features to know if a person goes in or out of a particular area. And if you need more than just the current location details, you can fetch location history logs. Even if your loved ones go offline.
3. Instant Messaging & Social Media
XNSPY lets you snoop on the most popular social media platforms and IM apps such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Viber, Facebook, and Snapchat. You can access messages, DM(s), newsfeeds, posts, and much more via the app.
You even have the option of storing it off-site to view at your leisure. This way you can have access to everything, including the deleted ones.
4. Trace Call Logs & Contacts
You can spy on incoming and outgoing calls and the smartphone. You can track call time, duration, phone numbers. You can also access information like top contacted numbers et cetera among others. And if you want, you can get alerts on certain callers. It works great if you’re using this app to protect your kids from being contacted by pedophiles or bullies.
And this list of features is not exhaustive by any means. If it’s a secure, economic, and easy-to-use spy app you’re looking for, XNSPY may just have the answers.