The new Dragon Ball anime, Dragon Ball Heroes, was released on July 1, 2018. For the moment, there are still only a few episodes available but you can already follow them by streaming and even live on the Internet. Find out how to watch Dragon Ball Heroes in VOSTFR now.
How to Watch Dragon Ball Heroes Live Streaming
Right after the Dragon Ball Heroes Gameplay released at the AEON Lake Town store in Japan during the Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Tour 2018, the first episode of the DBH saga appeared on the series’ official website then on Fuji TV.
For the moment, no French version (Dragon Ball Heroes VF), we would have to be content with the English version (DBH VO) or the version with French subtitles (Dragon Ball Heroes VOSTFR). Here are the sites I found which broadcasts the DB Heroes series live streaming from Japan.
The sites to see Dragon Ball Heroes in VO, VOSTFR, VF
This site has been a reference since the release of Dragon Ball Super 3 years ago and continues to do its job well.
On DBS-France, you will find the streaming episodes and reviews of Dragon Ball Heroes in French. You can also subscribe to the DragonBallSuper-France YouTube channel to receive the videos each time they are published.
Here is the first episode of Dragon Ball Heroes since DBS-Fr.
This site also offers the possibility of watching the anime Dragon Ball Heroes streaming on the Internet. The only negative point is that this site is in English. This is not entirely unpleasant since the best DB fans follow them most often in Japanese, then in English.
Other solutions
You can also go through Google by searching for one of the following terms: Dragon Ball Heroes Live, How to see Dragon Ball Heroes, Watch Dragon Ball Heroes Live, Dragon Ball Heroes live.