The content of Fall Guys has been updated in December on the occasion of the arrival of Season 3, in which there have been new costumes and new tests with which you will have to do your best to win. In the following guide, we are going to offer you all the tips and tricks to win in the Snow Ball test.

Tips and Tricks to Win the Snow Ball Event in Fall Guys Season 3
The Snowball minigame is one of those that is included in the category “By Teams” and it is not even painted for the Christmas season, because all the players will be divided into three teams with the same objective that will be to form the ball of bigger snow.
To do this, the members of each group must join forces to push the ball as it increases in size.
To start, each side will start in its own area through which it must move the ball until it is thrown to the central area of the stage. Everywhere the ground will be made up of hexagons covered in snow.
Each portion you pass the ball through will cause your team’s counter to increase by 1% and therefore the ball to grow a little more. So until it reaches 100%.
Theirs is that you be quick to bring the ball to the center of the stage which is where most of the snowy terrain is. Do not try to go around this place, because if you cross from side to side you will see that on the walls there are blocks with fists that will push your ball, something that will come in handy so that it can shoot out and thus take a few portions along the way of snow.
If you do not play by voice with your friends, always try to push the ball in the direction in which most of the teammates are moving it, because that way it will go faster, since in the end it is most essential not to waste time at any time.
In total, you will have three minutes to meet the objective and the two teams that reach 100% before or instead obtain a higher percentage when time runs out will qualify.