How to Rewrite Unique Passing Plagiarism Content

As a blogger, of course we have enthusiasm for writing articles (content) for our blog so that our readers and blog visitors get the latest article updates from the blogs that we have managed.

Even so, sometimes we also experience a saturation point where we will be lazy to create content if this is the only way you can use the article rewrite technique.

How to Rewrite Unique Passing Plagiarism Content
How to Rewrite Unique Passing Plagiarism Content

Article Rewritecan be said to be a rewrite method, although it is said that rewriting an article is easy to do for a blogger but you must pay attention to the article rewriting technique that you want to make, paying attention to the rewrite technique later on the article you have created will look unique and 100% pass the Plagiarism Content.

Getting to Know More What is Article Rewrite?

Article rewriting is a rewriting technique in its own language style, but in terms of discussion topics, ideas and themes are the same as articles taken from one of the site’s sources that are the author’s reference

5 Tips for Rewrite Articles (Rewrite)

There are tips for rewriting articles that we recommend to you so that the articles you rewrite look unique and pass Content Plagiarism.

  1. Use SEO & Do Keyword Research
  2. Change Language Style
  3. Use SEO Friendly Article Writing
  4. Use the Indonesian Article Rewrite Tools
  5. Use the elements H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 in the article
  6. Keyword Research Techniques

1. Keyword Research Techniques

After you understand the article rewrite tips that I have provided, the next step is to do keyword research, keyword research must be done for a blogger for the purpose of keyword research so that we know how many search volume keywords & cpc keywords we will be aiming for, and don’t forget to look for low competition keywords.

If you still don’t understand how to do keyword research, you can read the articles I recommend below.

2. Change Language Style

Each person’s language style is different, and of course not the same, don’t you ever copy and paste an article that has been published and then publish it back to your blog, if you do this, you can be sure that your article is 100% plagiarism and 100% not. totally unique.

3. Use SEO Friendly Article Writing

Articles that are easy to read by other people are an important aspect of our blog, just imagine if you have rewritten someone else’s article, but when the end reads it, it doesn’t feel good to say even if the content of the article you rewrite is messy.

It’s certain that the end is lazy to read your content, and therefore you should make SEO friendly articles so that your blog readers are comfortable with the content of the articles that you have created.

4. Use the Indonesian Article Rewrite Tools

If you have determined which article you want to rewrite, the next step is to use the article rewrite tool, you can use this article rewrite tool for free on Google.

By using the article rewrite tool, we can check the uniqueness of the rewrite article that we have created, whether it is 100% unique and whether our rewrite article has passed Content Plagiarism.

5. Using H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and, H6 elements in the article

Maybe some people who don’t understand the power of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 think these elements are not important, you need to know and you see that our blog always includes the elements of this important one, this is because when we use it H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 And H6 In the content of the article or in our article, it will make our article an SEO article.

Don’t you believe it? Try to pay attention to the entire web on page 1 they always use H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 elements in their articles.

Now that’s all we can provide, as for other additional aspects that you must pay attention to such as using long tail keywords in your article title, placing keywords in the article, paying attention to keyword density, performing image optimization, and building post links (quality backlinks)

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