We insert the tricks and the guide ofDetroit Become Human, the game developed by Quantic Dreamis available as an exclusive PS4 – PS4 Pro. Specifically, we provide you with the guides tounlock all the trophies in the game.

Detroit Become Human All Trophies
Detroit Become Human – All Jericho Graffiti Locations (Walkthrough of Jericho Chapter)
There are7 Graffiti locationsin the Jericho chapter inDetroit Become Human. This video shows all the Graffiti and walks you through the complete Jericho chapter.
Graffiti locations:
- After exiting the train on the left wall
- Go down the escalator, in front of you.
- Crosses the road. On a colorful building.
- Go down the street, look through a fence to the left. You can scan 2 icons when you are at the fence, while for the third you need to crawl under the fence and remove the wooden planks leaning against the wall, blocking the view of the icon.
- Stay behind the fence and go to the landfill. You can scan an icon from the ground. For the next two graffiti you have to pull the container on the wall to go up.
- Wall jump to the other side and descend. Then you can scan a large graffiti on the tall building.
- Inside the tall building, after simulating the best route to climb. You have to align part of the wall and part of a pillar to get the “X” icon.
Detroit Become Human – Secrets Trophy Guide – Kara has discovered the contents of Alice’s box set.
Chapter: Anew home
- Clean all the rooms upstairs (themasterbedroom, bathroom)
- Go to Alice’s room. Make her bed and open her window.
- Now you can talk to her (you must have cleaned all the other rooms first).
- Select dialogs: triangle: NAME KARA, square:INTERESTS?, circle: looks calm. She will now give you a key.
- Use the key to open the box in Alice’s room, on the cupboard next to the door (in front of her curtain). Look at all the photos in the small wooden box, then put them back.
- Go downstairs to finish the level.
Detroit Become Human Trophy Guide Detected Deviant – Connor found the deviant in the attic.
At the crime scene, find all 10 clues.
Report to Lieutenant Anderson and reconstruct the crime (Dialogues: “… In the kitchen” + “… with the bat.” + “The android stabbed the victim” + “… The living room” + “… With the knife”.
Go to the hallway in the center of the house. On the left side you can check the wall to see a used ladder. In the same corridor, check the ceiling for the entrance to the attic, where a footprint will now be highlighted.
Take the chair from the kitchen and put it under the attic. Then go up and the deviant will find himself at the end of the attic.
Detroit Become Human – Trophy Guide We’re Free – Kara and Alice have escaped from Todd’s house.
Chapter:Stormy Night
- Serve dinner for Todd and Alice
- When Todd tells you to stay still, move and run upstairs to Alice’s room (the last room on the right)
- Option: Triangle: Run with Alice
- Hide in the room on the right side of the corridor near the stairs (keep pressing: circle 🙂
- After a while Kara will automatically leave the room and run off downstairs with Alice. Press: circle: to open the door.
- Once outside, jump on the bus in front of you. This concludes the chapter and unlocks the trophy.
Detroit Become Human Romance Guide Markus and North
TheRomance FullofMarkus and Northis required to unlock the trophy:Survivors(All are alive at the end).
To get the quieter ending in the game, Markus must romance with North. Always be nice to her, ask about her, kiss her whenever possible.
Then at the end of the game, when you choose to make a peaceful protest and the soldiers come to kill you, kiss her and they will let you live.
Detroit Become Human – Trophy Guide MISSION COMPLETE – Connor saved Emma.
Chapter:The hostage
Examine the policeman’s corpse near the kitchen, before going out on the balcony, this reveals the location of a gun
Take the gun placed under the kitchen table
Go out on the balcony, approach the deviant and shoot him in the head with the gun
Detroit Become Human – Confessional Trophy Guide – Connor made the android confess.
Chapter:the interrogation
To unlock this chapter you must have found the deviant in the “Partner” chapter. Here are all the dialogue choices to make during the interrogation:
Sit in the chair to begin the interrogation
TRIANGLE – to analyze all 5 tips on the subject’s body (marked with yellow lines).
- Square – Question
- Circle – Wounds
- Circle – fear
- X – Guilt
- Circle – Probe memory
- X – Truth
- X – Truth
- [Choose Approach] – Convince IT
- X – Order
- Triangle – Sympathize
- Warn
DONE! The deviant will now confess. Run out of the remaining dialogues as you see fit, they won’t affect this trophy.
Detroit Become Human Trophy Guide Refuge – Kara and Alice slept in the motel or abandoned house.
Here you have two options: steal $ 40 from the grocery store and clothes from the laundromat, or open the fence of the abandoned house and sleep there.Abandoned house is the simplest option, let’s choose that.
After leaving the bus, walk to the nearest bus stop, where the green garbage truck is parked across the street. Press: x to speak to Alice at this stop.
The android scavenger will appear and talk to Kara. After this the garbage truck drives away.
Interact with the fence where the garbage truck was parked a few minutes ago. You can push the fence to reach an area with an abandoned car.
Interact with the fence from the abandoned car. Now take the wire cutter from the yellow power generator in front of the machine.
Use wire cutters to cut the fence and go to the abandoned house. Try opening the door. As you do this, Alice will disappear around the corner of the house.
An android with a knife threatens Alice. Select dialogs: ANDROID triangle, Circle: Hospitality, Circle: stay.
Follow the Android to his house, make a bed and light the fire for Alice, now go to sleep.
Detroit Become Human – Trophy Guide Know Your Partner – Connor has found all the clues about Hank.
Chapter:Waiting for Hank …
When you get to Hank’s desk at the police station, sit in the chair for a moment and then stand up again.
You can now walk around Hank’s desk and read 3 interaction messages.
Listen to the headphones
Call and leave a message
You have to analyze all 8 clues on Hank’s desk! – in the analysis screen you can press square: on a tab on the right side.
This is all you need! The story will have you follow Hank into his supervisor’s office.
Detroit Become Human – Trophy Guide RUN, KARA! – Kara and Alice escaped from the police.
Chapter:On the run
Regardless of where you start this chapter, you will end up being chased by the police.
If you went to the Motel or the abandoned car, try not to be seen by the police. If you can dodge the police without being seen, you have completed the trophy. If they are spotted, you will be chased on the highway, in this case follow these guidelines:
If you went into the car, you will be immediately chased to the highway.
When Kara and Alice are on the freeway, Connor is trying to jump over the fence. The simplest solution here is to choose: x: give up and he won’t chase you.
Complete the button sequence to go through it safely.
If you choose to have Connor follow you, you will have to press more buttons, but Kara / Alice will have to escape again.
Detroit Become Human Trophy Guide Save Hank Connor saved Hank.
Chapter:The nest
- Chase Rupert to the end.
- At the end of the hunt you can choose between Pursue Deviant
- Save Hank – For this trophy you have to choose Save HANK.
Detroit Become Human – Trophy Guide Escape from the mansion – Kara and Alice have escaped from Zlatko’s house.
For this trophy it doesn’t matter if Zlatko resets Kara in the basement or not. You can still escape after resetting it.
After Zlatko clears Kara, open the door in the basement where the androids are stuck, this will allow them to escape later and help you.
Take the meal from the living room to Zlatko’s workshop upstairs.
Open the android bear cage in the room next to Zlatko’s laboratory (upstairs).
Now go find Alice in the last room upstairs at the end of the corridor.
They will understand that Alice is gone. You have to go around the upper floor through all the rooms, do not use the corridor. There will be timers in each room that indicate when someone will come in looking for you. Always hide in the room to avoid being seen (under the table / in the closet). Then move to the next room.
In the room with the bear, if Zlatko sees you, the android bear will attack him – this will automatically make you run away downstairs.
Escape through the back door (the front door is locked and will slow you down)
Now if Zlatko catches up with you, his android will stop him and the other androids you freed will take care of him.
Detroit Become Human Ruthless Trophy Guide You killed the two Thracians.
Chapter:The Eden Club
After leaving the crime scene in the Eden Club, you must reach the Deviant in less than 5 minutes. To do this you will have to explore other androids and rebuild where the deviant went. The deviant is in the warehouse.
In the warehouse you can see the blue blood on the floor. Follow the drops of blood on the androids in the back corner of the room. So watch them with: L1
Win the fight against the two deviant androids.
At the end of the fight, when the brown haired android approaches you, there are two options: Circle: Shoot – x: Free
For this trophy you have to select: Circle: Shoot
Note: After finishing the chapter and receiving the trophy, you can exit the main menu and redo the chapter.