NVIDIA Geforce Experience: To record a computer screen, we use better screen recording software . Once the recording is complete, you can edit the video with any video editing software. Recently, I bought the MSI RTX 2060 graphics card and tried to record videos with many tools, but I was not satisfied.

After a while, I discovered that Nvidia offers its own recording software for desktop and games, but this is a hidden feature, because you need to register for an Nvidia account first, then you can get started. to use Nvidia Geforce Experience software (ShadowPlay) to record games with NVIDIA live.
Steps to record games with NVIDIA Geforce Experience
If you want to record videos with NVIDIA Geforce Experience software, you must first verify that Geforce Experience software must be installed on the system. If it is not, download it from the official website. After installing Geforce Experience, you will be prompted to log into the NVIDIA account.
If you have an NVIDIA account, you can simply log in by entering the email address and password. If not, follow the steps below to sign up for an account.
- When you startGEFORCE EXPERIENCE, the screen below appears. Here, you can simply enter the account information and check the“I’m not a robot” box, then press theLOG INbutton . If you have not signed up for the account, you can create it in 3 ways:Sign in with Facebook, Sign in with GoogleandCreate a new account with Email. Here I create a new account with an email address. If you also want to create an account using email, click theCreate Account link.
- Then fill in all the required information, such asemail address,display name, password (you will need to use a combination of at least 3 types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, symbols, numbers and letters),date of birth. , then accept theTerms and conditionscheckbox and verify that I am not confirming the robot. After filling in all the details, accepting the agreement and verification conditions, click on theCREATE ACCOUNT button.
- Now you will see theGRANT PERMISSIONscreen . If you want to allowNVIDIAto use your technical and privacy information to improve the user experience and other benefits, check the box if you don’t want to just deselect it, then click theCONTINUE button.
- After clicking theCONTINUEbutton , you will see the Checking for Pending Mail screen. To continue, go to your email account and click on the verification link. When you have checked, clickCONTINUE. If you did not receive the email, you can useRESEND VERIFICATIONto receive another verification email. Also check the SPAM folder if the mail does not reach the inbox.
- Now the NVIDIA account has been successfully created and you can start using it to record and capture games or a computer screen for free.
Start game recording with GeForce Experience ShadowPlay
When registration is complete, you will see the main screen of GeForce Experience. In the top middle, right, you’ll see anoverlayiconin the game. To see the option linked to the recording, click on the icon. The game overlay screen can also be opened by pressing theCtrl + Alt + Z keys simultaneously.
You will now see the option ›Startupoption . To start recording a game or desktop screen, click theStartoption . To start the screen recording, you can also use the shortcut key:Alt + F9
To stop the screenshot immediately, you can use the shortcut key:Alt + F9together. As soon as you press the keys, the recording and saving of the video will be automatically stopped.
GeForce Experience video recording settings
To view therecording settings for Geforce ExperienceClick the overlay icon in the game, then click theSaveoption and you will then need to choose theSettings option.
TheVideo CaptureSettings screen is now displayed. Here you can configure the parameters for length, quality and resolution, frame rate and instant replay rate. By default, it has 3 quality parameters: Low, Medium and High. But you can very easily reduce the screen resolution, frame rate and bit rate of the video.
To set the custom video capture quality, first select the screen resolution you are using, then choose the frame rate, then select the bit rate quality, if you select a higher bit rate, the size of the video will also be increased.
So choose medium settings to balance the quality and speed of the computer. I say this because if you select a maximum quality, it will also slow down game performance a bit. Therefore, the medium option ensures game performance and recording quality.