Play Online Bingo: Who has never played bingo with family or friends, especially during the Christmas period? The bingo is a classic game of the Italian tradition that especially in the Christmas holidays brings together the whole family with friends and relatives around a table.
The original bingo game is composed of a board and folders, but now no more time is needed have evolved thanks to technology, if you don’t believe it and you have a moment, I’ll explain how to play bingo game online from a computer or smartphone for free.
How to Play Online Bingo from Your Computer or Smartphone for free
Here’s how to play online bingo without the need for a board, cardboard folders and grains or beans to mark the numbers.
Are you curious about how to play online bingo? But first I wanted to explain to you for a moment the classic game of bingo, which was composed of a board on which all the numbers from 1 to 90 are indicated and several cards with printed on 15 numbers positioned in a completely random way.
There is a bag that contains 90 pawns on which a number from 1 to 90 is imprinted which are positioned on the board and to conclude it serves small pasta or rice grains, or beans, which must be positioned on the numbers of the cards.
Before starting the bingo game, it is decided who commands the board or who draws and calls the numbers printed on the pawns extracted from the bag, once the decision has been made, the bingo cards are distributed to the other participants who can be even more than one and also a handful of grains, pasta or beans, now the bingo game can begin.
At this point every number drawn and called from the board who owns one or more cards if he has that number must mark it with a grain, the aim of the final game is to make a bingo or whoever manages to complete a whole card with the numbers called wins, but there are also intermediate winnings first, let’s see which ones.
If the competitor who has a card manages to have 2 numbers on the same line he has made a both, if he has 3 he has made three, with 4 quatern while with 5 five and then he goes to the bingo where the whole final prize is won.
Well, this one I explained to you was the classic bingo, but let’s go back to our guide, so throw away the board, folders, grains of rice or beans, and in its place put a computer or a mobile device connected to the internet as a scoreboard and as folders for the participants make use of their smartphones at this point you can start playing electronic bingo.
Once everyone is ready whoever is in charge of the scoreboard must go to the computer, but a smartphone is also fine, then open the browser and connect to the main page of and of course click on the button with the word “Scoreboard”to be directed to the scoreboard and start extracting the bingo numbers.
For the participants, as I wrote to you before, you only need a smartphone no matter if the operating system installed is Android, iOS or Windows Phone, it is important that it is connected to the internet or to a WiFi network.
Then open the browser and go to the main page of Free Bingo and click on the button with the words Folders then you decide with how many bingo cards to play from a minimum of 1 up to a maximum of 6 and the game is done, even the participants are ready to start the game of bingo online.
Well now that you have seen how to play online bingo from a computer or smartphone for free, I just have to tell you have fun and good winnings.
In conclusion
Also this guide is over I hope you liked it and it makes you have fun with relatives and friends, but before I leave you I wanted to tell you that you can also follow me through the Social Networks Facebook Twitter and Google Plus also I would be very pleased if you share this guide through the buttons Social that you find at the end.