Sharing Facebook Avatars on WhatsApp is possible, but the procedure may seem a little cumbersome. In any case, it is good to specify one thing immediately: WhatsApp does not currently support Facebook Avatars.
This means that the personalized sticker package created with the avatar model you created on Facebook is not yet present on WhatsApp. In the list of stickers that you can then use on WhatsApp, you will not find Facebook Avatars at the moment.
How to Share Facebook Avatars on WhatsApp
Considering that Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram are all under the company Facebook Inc. it is also possible that in the future the Avatars are available almost everywhere. So how do you share Facebook Avatars on WhatsApp? Here is the procedure to follow at the moment.
First, you need to try to access the Avatars section of Facebook. There are two ways to do this:
- Open the Facebook home, search for a post, and open the comments section. Here look for your Avatar sticker package and click on Edit Avatar
- Alternatively, go to Facebook settings. From the home is the last button at the top right, the one with the three horizontal lines. A screen opens with many panes that take you to the main sections of the app, there should be one dedicated to Avatars. If there is not scroll down and look for theMore … button, press us and in the list that shows you, there should be the Avatars button.
Now you should be in front of the summary screen of your Avatar, the same that allows you to edit them. Now you have to pressthe button in the middle between the three at the top right, the one that indicates the stickers.
You find it indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot below. Pressing it will open the complete list of stickers made following the avatar you previously created.
Now look in the list of stickers forwhat you would like to share on WhatsApp. Once you have decided which adhesive to use, hold your finger on it. A two-choice sharing menu will appear at the bottom. The first,Send with Messenger, allows you to share the sticker on Facebook Messenger. We don’t care.
The second is the one that will allow us to share it on WhatsApp. Press down. At this point, the sharing menu of your smartphone will open. Look for the WhatsApp icon or, if you have one of the quick choices, that of a contact of yours with whom you exchange messages frequently. Press down.
If all goes well, the WhatsApp interface will open and allow you tomake the latest changes to the message. WhatsApp will treat the chosen sticker as an image. It will then be possible to add a caption to it, add text to it, scribble on it and so on. When you are ready, press the send button and it will be published in the chat of your choice.
The sticker of your Avatar will be published as an image with ablackbackground. And for the moment it cannot be done otherwise! As we said at the beginning, it is a rather cumbersome and very impractical procedure. The most practical thing would be if Facebook integrated the functionality into all its applications, but it cannot be excluded that it will happen in the future.
Facebook Avatar on Instagram, Telegram and other apps
Most of the procedures indicated also apply to applications such as Instagram or Telegram. Follow the usual steps indicated, and when you have arrived at the sharing menu instead of choosing WhatsApp select Telegram,Instagramor another app.
With Instagram, for example, it will be possible to create a post (as well as a story) and even edit it or apply filters before publishing it.