How To Upload Music Library To Google Play Music

Upload Music Library: Learn how to set up the best playlist for Google Play music by uploading your music library to Google Play Music. So follow the full tutorial to continue.

How to Upload Music Library to Google Play Music

Google Play Music offers users an unlimited music streaming option as well as the YouTube Red pairing feature. Despite the fact that Google has done a great job of making music around the world available to users, the Most of the time these can find any kind of music on it.

But still, if music is found to be missing from the huge Google Play Music library, users have the option to upload it on their own or add their custom music library so that it can be accessed from any device.

In this article, we have written about the method by which the custom music library can be uploaded to Google Play Music. If you are also looking for the method for the same purpose, Then you are exactly in the right place since the method we have written could be very easy and beneficial for you. Just go and read the entire article below to find out about the method!

How to upload music library to Google Play Music

The method is quite simple and easy and you just have to follow some of the simple steps in the step-by-step guide explained below to proceed.

Steps to upload your music library to Google Play Music:

1. First of all, open the Google Chrome web browser on your computer device, keep in mind that Chrome is only used to upload music to Google Play Music, so you just have to stick to it.

Once Chrome is open on the device, just go to the Google Play Music website and click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the screen. After clicking on that look for the option called “Upload Music” and click on it.

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How to Upload Music Library to Google Play Music

2. Now select the music files you want to add to Google Play Music on your computer, and then drag and drop those files in the Upload music window of the Google Chrome web browser.

This can also be done through the button “Select from the computer”, since it will take you to the file explorer of the window, from where you can choose all your music to upload.

3. To configure the automatic loading of your new songs on the computer in Google Play Music, get the downloadable Google Play Music Manager application that is available for Windows and MacOS.

Through this application, users can configure it to automatically synchronize all the music on their device with Google Play Music, as well as to manage all the music from there. You need to specify the location of the music stored on the device so that the application can automatically access it and upload the music from there.

4. To find the music that you have uploaded in Google Play Music, go to it and then tap in the Library, and from there select “Purchased and uploaded” from the drop-down menu that appears.

The loaded music library and also the tracks can be simply tracked from the location there. The metadata information for all that music could also be edited and configured from there.

5. Up to 50,000 songs can be uploaded to Google Play Music, and therefore played directly from there or downloaded directly to the devices used for offline playback!

So now you have the easiest method with which you can upload your personalized music library to the Google Play Store cloud and, from there, access it whenever you want and on any other device you are going to use. This method is too easy to apply since you have gotten up, and there is no advanced requirement for it.

I hope you liked this method and have tried it on your device, but if you haven’t tried it yet then go now and give it a try!

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