Want to create something unique on your WhatsApp status? Have you tried making a story voice note? If not, see the tips and tricks below.
How to Make Voice Note WhatsApp Status
Whatsapp Voice Note
Whatsapp that you know today does have various features. Starting fromstories,Video Callswith several people to old features, namelyVoice notesor what you usually call VN.
All WhatsApp users, of course, are very familiar with this VN feature, where this feature functions to record sound and send it directly to the WhatsApp chat.
This feature is very helpful, especially when you are busy or driving and cannot type, you can use voice recordings via this VN. Or it could be when you want to clarify something that you conveyed through previous conversations.
Sometimes when you are lazy to type, having a conversation viaVoice notesis indeed more exciting, joking around you forget the time. Well, there are times when you might want to share the recordedvoice note into your WhatsApp story.
Usually so because the recording sounds funny and wants other people to hear it too or it could be the recording from the person you care about the most.
Maybe many of you are still wondering if you can make a status from avoice notewa? Well, here inwepo will share the trick.
Audio Status Maker
To be able to make it, you will be assisted by third-party applications that you candownload for free on your respective Google Play. The application is Audio Status Maker, this small application is able to create status from recordedvoice notesthat you do and also add other effects.
It is necessary tonotethat whatsapp’svoicenoterecording will produce an opus file, to be able to open it and in the process you must first convert it to another form such as mp3. For the steps, please see below.
Follow Steps
1. Download the Audio Status Maker application, please download ithere. Look for yourvoice notefile, usually found in the whatsapp media file in thevoice notesection, place it in a folder that is easy for you to find. Then go to the Convertio.id site and select theVoice notefile that you previously moved.
2.Tapthe small arrow on the right to select a converted file if youtapthe Convert menu.
3.TaptheDownloadmenu when the conversion process is complete, then continue to open the Audio Status Maker application.TapOkto give access permission to the app.
4.Tap theheadphoneiconthen selectPick From Files, enter thevoice noteconversion file that you downloaded earlier.
5. Set the sound duration you want to use,taptheDonemenu and thentap thedownloadiconto download the file or directlytaptheShare menu.
6. Wait a moment whilecreating the file, thentap theWhatsAppiconto immediately share it on the status.
You can use Audio Status Maker not only to createstoriesfrom VN. But other musicstoriescan also let you add features that can add stickers,text, and also a background that will definitely make yourstory more interesting.