How To Share Sites Via QR Code With Chrome

Share Sites via QR Code : The Google Chrome browser for PCs and mobile phones has a function to share website addresses via QR code. Check out how to activate it!

How to Share Sites via QR Code with Chrome

The QR codes turn out to be a practical way for you to get or even share information through an image that can be scanned with the camera of your mobile phone. Fortunately, in recent times, the feature has been deployed more and more in different programs such asWhatsApp.

In turn, this month, theGoogle Chromebrowser arrived in its version number 84 and has a feature so that the sites accessed on it can be shared using a QR code. Next, here’s how to enable the feature of sharing sites via QR code in Google Chrome.


Although this feature is already available in the stable version of Google’s browser, it is not yet enabled by default. It is worth noting that this feature can be enabled on both computers and mobile phones, as shown in the tutorial below.

Share sites via QR code with Chrome on your phone

The process to activate this function of Chrome is quite simple, being that it is carried out when changing one of its flags. Check out:

  • Access Google Play and update Chrome to the latest available version;
  • Open the browser normally and access the address chrome: // flags;
  • Search for “Chrome Sharing Hub” and change its value from “Default” to “Enabled”;
  • Still in Chrome’s “flags”, look for “Chrome Share QR Codes” and also change its value to “Enabled”. In the message that appears, tap on “Relaunch”;
  • On iOS, instead of the flags seen in the steps above, you should look for “QR Code Generation” and leave its value as “Enabled” in order to be able to generate QR codes on websites visited with Chrome.

From that moment, the function of sharing websites via QR codes is already enabled. Then, to use it, just touch the icon represented by “three dots” and, when going to “Share”, select the option “QR Code”.

If you have received a website address via QR code, you can also access it here by using the “Check” option.

How to share sites via QR code with Chrome on PC

In order to activate this function on the computer, the process ends up being very similar to what was seen on the cell phone, but some differences must be seen in the Chrome interface. Follow the step by step:

  • Make sure Google Chrome is updated to the latest version available. You can download it through this link;
  • Access the address: chrome: // flags;
  • Search for “Enable sharing page via QR Code”;
  • Change its value from “Default” to “Enabled”;
  • In the message that appears, click “Restart”.

Now, in the browser address bar, you will have a button to generate and share websites visited via QR code, as shown in the image below. If you even need it, Chrome offers the option to “save” the image so that it can be sent somewhere like Messenger or WhatsApp Web.

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