Record WhatsApp Video Calls: Actually, many other instant messengers are no less good, but their emergence is not able to shake the position of WhatsApp. There are at least two reasons why such a phenomenon can occur. First, WhatsApp is a pioneer.

When WhatsApp first appeared, there was only Skype and it couldn’t be called a competitor because both of them focused on different segments. WhatsApp to send messages to each other via mobile phones, while Skype services are more focused on video calls and voice calls via a PC or laptop.
The second is innovation. Without new innovations, WhatsApp is unlikely to survive the onslaught of messengers that continue to emerge to seize market share. There have been several examples of cases where a company launched a product that later became a pioneer in its field but then was uprooted by new products that were more innovative.
Speaking of innovation, WhatsApp not only provides a means to communicate by sending text messages but also provides features to communicate with video calls and voice calls. Please note, the voice call feature was added to WhatsApp in February 2015, while the addition of the video call feature followed a year later, namely in November 2016.
How to Record WhatsApp Video Calls
If you get a text message on WhatsApp, you can capture the message to be used as evidence or for other purposes. While you can record video calls. This video call recording can be used as evidence, can also be used as memories. How to record video calls on WhatsApp is as easy as how to capture screenshots. Here are the steps:
1. First of all, you need to install the XRecorderapplication in Playstore.
2. After that open the application. An initial appearance is more or less like the picture below. CheckDon’t ask againthen selectAllow.
3.Allowthis application to run inside other applications. SlideON.
4. Open your Whatsapp application then select the contact you are calling. Then clickthe recorder icon.
5. Select the record button as I circled to start recording.
6. If you get a warning like this, just selectAllow.
7. Please do a video call until complete.
8. If you want tostoporresumethe recording process, just click the recorder icon again then select Resume / Stop. The results of the recording can be seen in your cellphone gallery.
That’s how to record Whatsapp video calls on Android and their voices. About 2 years after the video call was introduced for the first time, precisely on July 30, 2018, video calls and voice calls received a new feature called group calls. With this feature, you can communicate with four people at once.
At that time the method was still rather troublesome because other users who you want to chat with had to be added one by one. You must contact a user first, then contact another user to be added to the group call. But now the way is much easier.
With all the innovations that WhatsApp continues to hone, it’s no wonder that other instant messengers find it difficult to overtake WhatsApp, with more than 1.6 billion users worldwide.